Ruediger4's Mementor Application

Your CKEY: Ruediger4

Your Discord: Ruediger#3221

How long have you been playing ss13?: Literally a year

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: @Xlyana , probably most people that know me?

Game Experience (More Detailed): Been playing since March 2019, already got (or almost) 750 hours on Bee, maybe 1k hours combined in total with other SS13 servers (most of them /tg/ code). Know most things about every role, but perhaps lacking a bit in the atmos and toxins department since I usually don’t toy too much with atmos.

Also somehow got to Headmin on this server.

That’s something.

+1 swag dude very cool swag

I’d say this application is a formality over anything else, since if you asked I likely would have just given you the role. So uh, +5 or something

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kinda swag ngl

hahahah ruediger more like ruenig- :flushed:

Still wanted to do the app, though.

Plus I know a person or two are going to come at me with atmos questions and i’m gonna shed so many bloody tears trying to remember how every gas reacted to SM or worked in a turbine but i’ma bite the bullet and try my best anyways

thank u tho cros,d,

+1 we were all new to the server once, it’s great to help you learn about members of the community and learn the game itself as a mentor.

i want more people in mentorchat +1

The only furry I’d +1 bruh, even though he’s a taco ni-

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ok what now?
you didnt perma me for my selfantag

can u explain what would happen to sm at 343444.543 kelvin when its a 31.5%plasma,0.5%co2, 65%trit and 3%n2?

SM go boom boom boom

can you explain what would happen to me at 343444.543 kelvin?

The 5 stages of grief in 0.76 seconds.

  • 743 Hours
  • No notes since September
  • Ex-Headmin

T: +8

Plus I know a person or two are going to come at me with atmos questions

Hyper nobilium generator setup, go.

Prior Headmin that left on good terms, helped me to identify what I needed to learn before I became an admin.

T: +10

+1 We metagame on hippie :sunglasses:

+1 has a lot of experience, good note history, man this guy is fit for mentor

Ex-Headmin, really no bad sides other than being a furry


-2 a disgusting furry.

Just playing +2.

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