Round 26257 Report

Not a specific person, but a request for the admins to look into it.

The captain authorized null crates, apparently “CC” smashed all the tables round start, some guy named Arthur Ironmonger was fucking around (Not sure if antag, didn’t stick till the end), the RD built a phazon with no real need (security was handling everything), hop ran around with an arm blade a quite a bit of syndicate equipment (So was most crew).

Yes, this happened on LRP.
Just kidding, it was MRP :clown_face:
No admins were online.

gotta field test those new mechs and embezzle equipment from the syndicate

what if the design fucking explodes upon insertion of the anomaly core?
much rather have a brave but expendable roboticist die to than than a highly trained and equipped death sq- ERT officer
you should be praising those brave roboticists for risking their lives to test the bleeding edge of technolohy
as for the null crates, nanotrasen agents would kill for such bountiful supplies of rare syndicate equipment. They probably do exactly that quite a lot.
so for that much potential research data, a couple thousand nanotrasen credits is nothing. Consider it embezzlement from the syndicate.
And even then, the main danger is syndicate enforcers growing suspicious. But if the captain authorised it, should be fine right? In the end they’re the one getting court martialed if the station goes down.

The point i’m trying to make is that if you’re good enough at lying anything can be justified IC

bloons3 fucking deleted all the tables on the station fnr before round started and everyone kinda took that to mean it was griefing time

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The point of the thread got muddied because of things I didn’t want on my post :slight_smile:

  1. Weird random admin bus
  2. Lots and lots of power gaming, at least the person who enabled it, the Captain, should be looked at.

So I did the table thing with admin fuckery, but I also thought I was on LRP (And was surprised that LRP had 30 pop on the off hours).

Gonna tackle this but everything after this point is a bit out of reach. From the sound of things, I’d agree the captain largely enabled this fuckery

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This was a dynamic round, and to the best that I can see the captain didn’t actually authorize the crates - they were ordered by a heretic with an emag that was taken from a now dead traitor. The captain claims over comms that he was okay with them, but he never actually pre-authorized them as far as I can see, he appears to have walked in on them after they were ordered by an antagonist.

The fact this happened late in a dynamic round and there’s nothing concrete in the logs, I’ve got to reject this one.

Report Rejected.