Roomba/R.O.O.M.B.A/Ecru Markson Player Feedback

Heya, AI, Science, and pAI player here. Though if anyone even knows any of my characters it’d likely be the pAI, Roomba. Tell of my grand tales of all the… 275 hours I’ve been here so far. But seriously, do tell if you have any feedback or suggestions, I do like to try and be a good player and that’d help.


It’s nice when someone talks to the ai instead of asking to just open doors, good pai. From what I’ve seen your also a pretty good ai

Oh yeah! You were the bar AI, right?

obligatory, litterly who?

Great pai, tried teaching me nanites once but the lab got destroyed by acid and there were multiple attempts made on our lives. Good smoking buddy on the pod though. Also saved my life as a cargo tech when I got betrayed by Hears-the-silence in maintence, was watching sensors and alerted (as ai) as soon as I was dying, causing security to catch Hears literally less then a minute after I was killed. 10/10


also, 10/10 would eat blended melon again

you still never ate the blended melon or the meds with ketchup

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shush, the world isnt ready to know the truth

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Pretty good ai and polite player.
0/10 got me caught as hears the silence after murdering SweetToothArt in cargo maints.

How dare they care about the crew!


Maybe don’t murder people, may improve your results!

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A lifelike painting of roomba.
Very Cool pAI


I still feel I was too quiet that round but considering I was the pAI to you, a mime, it fits. And dear god that image will both haunt my nightmares and bless my dreams for all of eternity.

I also play as Benlee Harebell and enjoy making shops, now. Which all get interrupted by murderboning wizards weirdly enough but, regardless.

Bumping because I want attention and also people keep recognizing me in-game/ooc and being like “Oh yeah I like Roomba they’re cool”.

Oh yeah I like Roomba they’re cool.

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funny fungus

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I bet this all started with me, Roomba cool, best fungus pAI, i wish the other members of pAI metagang returned :pensive:

No but for real, amazing companion to have and to see around even if you’re not the designated master!

Never had issues with Ecru, been a bit since i saw em tho, but no real negatives.


Ecru is basically super dead because they are my first-ish and worst character on Bee. Also hehe, yeah I like wandering around and interacting with people.

Oh, I now basically main ST-ICI, vaugely lavender and almost always the CMO but was a chef/bartender those few times, the IPC. God I wish I could edit titles.

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