**CKEY:**Rolls Royce
**Admin’s CKEY:**SuperDork55
Got banned in SageSage
**Which server did the ban happen on?**Sage
**Ban Type:**Sage ban
**Ban Length:**7 days
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-05-01
**Round ID:**15067
Ban Reason:
“Authorised catgirls to be killed as HoS,someone got killed in the result of that, does`nt seem to understand that this is blatant self antag”
-Admin SuperDork55
First i want to bring out reasons why catgirls should be banned in ss13 as a whole. Atleast in Beestation erp is banned and can be punished so that means that the sole reason for catgirl existance is pointless because the so to tell race (will tell later) was created for autistic furrys who are too fat to do erp in real life. As said in the lore catgirls are not human they are Homo Sapiens Felis thus meaning to them human rights do not apply and that means population controls are not forbidden. But why remove them from the whole of ss13? Because they cause more harm than good . There are more sane people playing than retarded, lobotomized furrys and to a normal human the sight of a catgirl is disgusting following this logic removing catgirls would benefit the whole community. A pronounced manga writer T. A. Noonan argued that catgirl characteristics serve as a fetishization of youthful innocence. But the harm of catgirl culture isnt limited to ss13. Such culture is very hazardous in real life because it promotes pedophilia, retardness, furrys and so on. In animes and such media they might seem harmless and dare I say so “cute” but those monstrous figments of imagination have caused loss of so many lives. An Japanese philosopher Hiroki Azuma once said that catgirl characteristics such as cat ears and feline speech patterns are examples of perversion and over-sexualization.
When removing catgirls entirely sounds too rigid then the other option could be to make somekind of hell-station where they can see what bright future lays infront of them and also do erp.
About my ban - I understand that my actions were inadequate and i will take note of this ban so such things would not happen again. I do not mean I regret my actions against catgirls quite the opposite i stand by my action of bettering the community as a whole but rather I regret my abuse of power i should have discussed this with other high-ranking officers and only then approved the law and now after some hard thinking I understand that my actions according to current laws of beestation 13 I was self-antaging and I will make sure I will never self-antag again.
As a conclusion I think that catgirls should be banned in ss13.
I hope that you consider the points i have made in my ban appeal and decide to unban me.
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