Ro5490 Report (Senior Admin)

CKEY: Reesesrieces

Your Discord: N/A

Offender’s CKEY: Ro5490

Offender’s In-Game Name: Aurora XI

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 1/20/2025

Round Number: 51378

Rules Broken: 7 Be excellent to each other and possibly head conduct.

Incident Description: Low pop round, highest population was 7, end of round was 5. Aurora XI was HoP for the round. They had requested someone do Xenbio, so I broke in and did Xenbio. They then later requested mutation toxins. Upon completion of the task, they fabricated a crime of grand theft and set me to arrest and lied to the HoS, Xander Morgan (played by Carolj), about the nature of how I acquired the disk. I erroneously thought carolj had meta grudged me, as they were within earshot when I made the request, and I had inadvertently caused a cascade that had ruined a midround a day prior.

Additional Information:

Aurora XI crackles, “I’ll offer you any item you request, that I can provide if you manage it.”
Aurora XI crackles, “Genetics needs some generic mutation toxins.”
Zaffre Wilkerson inquisitively blorbles, “For?”
Zaffre Wilkerson blorbles, “Oh I see.”
[Common] Samantha Steele says, “There is one more super complex gene left to resreach.”
Aurora XI crackles, “Like, moth, lizard, felind.”
Zaffre Wilkerson blorbles, “Yes then the Disk.”
Aurora XI crackles, “The regular ones.”
Aurora XI crackles, “And we can go from there with genetics.”
Aurora XI crackles, “Sort that for us, and we have a deal.”

Later after remaking the toxins after monkeys had spilled all the beakers of mutation toxins:

Aurora XI crackles, “I’d say you’ve upheld your end of the bargin for sure.”
Aurora XI is offering the secure briefcase.
Aurora XI offers an item.
You take the secure briefcase from Aurora XI
Aurora XI crackles, “Code is.”
Zaffre Wilkerson blorbles, “That is a lot of stickers.”
Aurora XI crackles, “Uh.”
Aurora XI crackles, “Shit.”
Aurora XI crackles, “I forgot for a sec.”
Aurora XI crackles, “Pass it back a mo.”
You offer the secure briefcase.
Zaffre Wilkerson offers an item.
Aurora XI takes the secure briefcase from Zaffre Wilkerson
Aurora XI whispers, “54632.”
Aurora XI is offering the secure briefcase.
Aurora XI offers an item.
You take the secure briefcase from Aurora XI
Aurora XI crackles, “Keep it safe now.”
Aurora XI crackles, “The fate of the station rests in that case.”
Zaffre Wilkerson blorbles, “Yep.”

OOC: Ro5490: It was a dick move of me tbh, but at the same time, an acting captain shouldnt just let a random crewmember take the disk, tis why you got set to arrest pretty much immediately. Sorry man, it wont happen again

Moved to the right category

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Hey there, sorry for the wait, and thanks for reporting this!

After going through the logs, I don’t see anything that wouldn’t be considered an in-character issue. If the captain offers you anything you want for a task, and you say you want the nuclear authentication disk, that’s a pretty good reason to get arrested if you’re serious (and you were, once you actually took it when offered).

I agree that what happened was pretty underhanded, but there’s no rule saying that that the captain needs to be honorable to a fault. Similarly, being excellent to each other does not extend into in-character conflicts.

Thanks again for making a report regardless!