CKEY: JayHays
Your Discord: JayHays#9494
Offender’s CKEY: Ro5940
Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): N/A.
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 7/23/2022
Round Number: 39479
Rules Broken (if relevant): Ro claims I valid-hunted and gave me a note for it. I did not valid hunt in any way.
Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): Not sure?
Incident Description: The round appeared to be going okay. I joined 7 minutes late as HoP, saw we had no cargo, did a bit of work there. Went back to my office and found the door emagged, also found AI upload door emagged so we confirmed traitors. I went back to working and some time into the round I found myself walking down to medbay. (Mind you were are on Meta). As I am sitting in an empty medbay I hear a scream in maintenance so I go to investigate. I wander around a bit until I get down to virology maint door where I see it open.
I then see the CMO and her staff, and some sec inside who appear to be talking. I then ask what is going on, and then one of the medbay staff locks herself in a room with a sec officer and starts robusting. At this point I prepare my weapon, but I do not pursue the person killing the seccie. I then start to exit the area via the other door and the CMO, Milly, shoots me with a laser gun. I then return fire in self defense and flee back to northern medbay
I head up to the security room in medbay to charge a laser gun for any arriving sec and the borg inside shocks the door and beats me to death with a fire extinguisher.
I then get pinged by Ro a minute later asking why I attacked the CMO, to which I respond the CMO attacked me first. Ro then asked what I was doing down there and I told him I heard a single scream from medbay and went to investigate.
Ro told me what I was doing was valid-hunting and at that point I completely disagreed with him. I didn’t go looking for a fight, I went looking to help a crewmember in distress whom I didn’t even know was being attacked. When I arrived at Viro I felt at ease since the CMO was there and I figured everything was okay. I had no way of knowing the people inside of viro including the CMO were antags until one of the sec started getting robusted about 30 seconds after my arrival. Not even 30 seconds later the CMO is shooting at me with lethals so I grab my PTSD gun and shoot back but run out of lasers so I flee the area shortly after. How do you mean to tell me this is valid-hunting.