[Ro5490] Admin Report

CKEY: Fronsis

Your Discord: -

Offender’s CKEY: Ro5490

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): -

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024-08-13

Round Number: 49634

Rules Broken (if relevant): -

Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): Taking Action within a round, specifically IC Punishments (Admin Intervention)

Incident Description:

Clown with Hijack had a simple gimmick:

Maintenance room death trap, a conveyor belt loop +hacked MULE protected with reinforced plasma glass, the crew gets teleported with the BS Extract, classic stuff.

We(Security) get informed of the clown trespassing into R&D by the RD, they get promptly removed and later on we get informed that the clown stole a BS Extract, we’re not sure what it does so the HoS Rain, ask the AI to research about it while we’re questioning the Clown(who had a small ssd moment) while i heard the RD reported through Command comms about it.

At that point it was established:

The clown was not authorized to have that extract.
The extract was deemed dangerous in the hands of a non-capable personnel.
The RD pressed charges against the clown, originally to remove them from sci and later to get the extract back.

I moved back to Sec since HoS and an officer where waiting for the clown to come back from their SSD and assumed everything was sorted, later on while i’m on cargo i see the Clown visibly tap the Cook with the extract and i tell the HoS that the clown once again, had an extract, that’s where the HoS mentioned ‘’ The gods smited me for trying to take away the extract so if you want to do it, go ahead ‘’

While that surprised me, since we still knew that extract was dangerous i dedicate my efforts to interrogate the scientist that was working on Xenobio, speak with the RD to confirm the danger of the extract and if they were willing to press charges again, unfortunately by that point it was too late, the extract was activated and… well, a lot of people died, including most of command except RD and HoS, a few went DNR.

Out of curiosity i send an ahelp asking about that ‘‘smite’’ because it seemed… weird and i got informed by Ro that the smite was a toestub but the whole… admin intervention was enough of a reason for Rain to stop doing their job(Probably typical fear of bwoinks or knowing an admin is watching) and allow the clown to carry on with their gimmick, upon inquiring Ro why? they said something along the lines of ‘‘The clown TC-traded for it and i wanted to see it play out/ mentioning it was funny’’ It’ll be in the admin-help logs.

I found out in post-round that they sent a pod with money to ‘‘bribe’’ the HoS, and that the TC-Trade was only a small teleport to get the clown out of the cage(otherwise they would’ve died on the trap)

From the Admin Policy IC Punishment we have these extracts:

  • Did the player(s) involved pray or otherwise do something to incur the wrath of an established divine being IC?
  • Did the player(s) involved break the rules in some way?
  • Is this an attempt to enhance the round for players at all?

I don’t believe any of those conditions are met, except the third one which is subjective to the context of the round and up to review of the headmins.

On said round we had: A pair of blood brothers, the clown with Hijack, a changeling, a nightmare that was starting to sabotage stuff, two other traitors one which got killed by the clown trap and another that had DAGD and caused quite a lot of chaos.

I won’t deny that the actions of the clown did enhance the round in a way, it made the remaining Head of Staff to set to red alert and medbay became chaotic, even if it led to nine players going DNR and some classic d-chat comments. However i strongly belive that there was no need for Ro to step in and do an admin intervention with Rain just to ‘‘hugbox’’, so to speak, the clown and let him do their gimmick, specially if the main reason they gave me was ‘‘Funny’’ which we all know is subjective and ultimately the gimmick would’ve played out regardless, possibly with less victims since the Clown would’ve been wary on the what-if scenarion in which we took the extract out of him that first time.

Security had all the perfect IC reasons to confiscate the item out of the Clown’s hand and that wasn’t gonna be the end of the round for him, he wasn’t even facing jail time the first time and he could’ve simply hacked in and get another extract or work with the other traitor that had DAGD thus allowing them to further antagonize in some other way other than… random teleport into an insta-death trap so it certainly feel sour having all the work we did IC be nullified over a random smite, since for the average player might be an indicator of ‘‘Admins are watching’’ led to the scenario to be forced artificially or that’s what i felt when i spoke with the HoS. At the end of the day we didn’t permanently ruin the Clown chance of doing it’s gimmick since we didn’t even knew they were preparing a death-room nor was it ever found until everyone died, we strictly played IC without metagaming anything.

That’s pretty much everything i have to say.

Additional Information:

Just for visualization, here’s the trap, courtesy of TRC and here’s a few of the victims that were clonned after the incident(only two-three at max were DNR, rest were clonned) alongside the ones on treatment room which i didn’t got a picture of.

Of course, nothing against the Clown gimmick, some people enjoyed it some others didn’t happens, that’s not the point of the report it’s to point out Ro actions that led to enabling/hugboxing it when i strongly believe it wasn’t necessary and could’ve played out regardless and is up to the Headmins to review.

image (1)

This is mostly to point out the impact of the gimmick as a whole, which could’ve been reduced(or not! who knows) if we would’ve been allowed to do our job without admin intervention and let it all play IC.

Edit: Corrected a statement about the amount of DNR people, logs will clarify regardless.


Nah I wasn’t probably gonna go through the hussle of tapping everyone again I would have bombed the entire station instead or at worse a clown car. But yeah the situation was gonna go even worse if I didnt do the mule thing. Btw they werent hacked

I asked Ro for help for the gimmick btw.

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for future reference
if nothing broke in the meanwhile, if you are tapped with chilling bluespace and later you get that bubble effect indicating teleportation (not used anywhere else per my knowledge), you can RESIST to cancel it on individual basis
next time just say no to unsolicited teleportation


a few people said this didnt work for them

Alright. We’ve discussed this report internally and have decided to accept it. While we always encourage admins to help with TC gimmicks the interference here from Ro went too far.

Not only was the gimmick not very engaging or fun for the rest of the crew. (Mass murdering the entire station within a couple seconds really isn’t that awesome for everyone that gets murdered.) But ro also interfered multiple times to make sure the gimmick actually happened.

The biggest issue, which is what primarily is reported here too, is them interefering with the arrest of the clown. The toe-stub of the HOS, while in and of itself seemingly being a very minor adminbus, ultimately had a pretty big effect on the round.
Science informed security about the clown’s stolen extract and it’s dangers. The HOS and security then arrested the clown. The toe-stub mid arrest caused the HOS and security to think the clown would be off-limits and OOCly protected.

This led to the extract not being taken away from the clown and security leaving the clown to do his own thing which then led to the murder/death of a majority of the crew.

We have talked to ro and reminded them about interfering with a round as well as to be mindful of the consequences of their bus.

Thank you for the report!