Return of the Mack

Your CKEY:
Your Discord:
How long have you been playing ss13?:
Long as time itself
Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:
Game Experience (More Detailed):
Just fooking make me it

Me rising up after my demotion 3 days later


I certainly can vouch for your experience with the game, and willingness to blow yourself (along with the rest of the chem lab) up to help someone having trouble. Always being a headache for other admins and skirting on or outright breaking rules makes me hesitant to give you a full vote back into mentor though

Edit: in light of recent events, I’ve gotta change my vote to a solid -2

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As a new-min who has not played with you much in game, I have no idea what you actually know. We have roughly the same bee hours, and I wouldn’t vote on myself to be a mentor with the just the knowledge I have. You leaving the detailed game experience blank doesn’t help me make a choice at all.

I don’t care about shitposting, memes, or even hostility towards admins. What bothers me more is the kind of notes you get. Remember you only posted your bans. There are notes in between those as well. Knowledge is number 1, and I firmly believe robust shit posters tend to know more about the game then a department roleplayer like me, but second to answering questions is people recognizing you as mentors or senior players of the server. Skimming through your OOC chat, when you get excited you tend to shit talk everyone. That means brand new players who may be good fits for the community can get annihilated on their second connection. Also you continue to bypass the no no filter.

I have no idea what you actually know, you yourself have said you never made an application before, I can’t see your mentor helps to see if you helped people, and you not the kind of person that new players should emulate. Having a senior player title on you doesn’t seem right. Sorry b


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I died a mentor, as it should be, turns out it’s wrench it

As for Kasual your words cut me deep
If you yourself wouldn’t be mentor, you you admeme bro, you played yourself you must now demote yourself

As for notes feel free to post them as I can’t get them can I

And all mentors are shitters, it’s the mentor way, he’ll even our council are shitters, remember it should of been Slav

But I respect your opinion even if it’s a contradictory one

I made it clear in my application that my biggest weakness is game knowledge. I still threw it up to try and help out though since I do like bee a lot. I guarantee you that the majority of mentors know more than me on specific mechanics and scenarios of the game. While you need to have a base line, it is a different job entirely that is more on settling disagreements, arbitrating on rules, and not acting in bad faith with server power.

Maybe other mentors are shitters, but I stand by any votes that I myself have made. Also remember that I am new as an admin and can have wrong opinions on things. Its why we vote instead of just a single admin taking the app and deciding. If the rest of staff know you better and disagree then I have no problem with it. I’m not the kind of person out to get anyone or act out in spite. Just lay my opinion out there and then move on.

Good luck.

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First page from discord. I’m heading to bed and don’t wanna log in to get the rest.

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Cheers but that’s pretty much my ban history minus the pushed them around for banter

I never really vouch for others, but I am mostly a lurker and keep to my own business.

With that said, Dr. Octane the IX, or X, or the XXX, or the CDXX (blaze it) has been the most swag mentor I’ve ever seen.

Never have I seen such a passionate and professional guy. The moment I needed someone to test out a dead-man-switch grenade, Dr. Octane, aka Space God Helper, promptly made his way to my location IC and showed me that yes, if you incorrectly detonate a potassium/water grenade while holding it, you will 100% gib yourself, including your plasma suit and tank.

So, once again, I am vouching for this guy, because we should not be judging people on their mistakes, but we should be judging them on their intentions and character and I have no doubt that Dr. Octane the self-exploding Space God Helper has been nothing but helpful in our pursuit in a better Space Station.

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Thank you for the vouch
It is true I blew up
I received a mhelp, being on mentor on as victorpride was afk I said screwdriver I believe or alt click, neither worked so I mhelped if admins knew, ruko and batteryban aka captainhotdog didn’t so I offered to go to his location and try myself
I blew myself up turns out it was wrench not screwdriver
But I learned from that and next round went and learned grenades
The next round I helped a antag make a maxcap rather than send wiki link I went to his Ic location after explaining in mhelps Basicly let me leave room after explaining them I’m a free target again, and explained how to make a maxcap


Edited to maximum allowed vote ~Ruko

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I don’t think I’ve ever seen you actually help someone. -2.

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Newfags don’t know him therefore they downvoting :flushed:


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I was mentor in game for a day and helped 2 players one of them was even here, and was referenced by the admin that was on during that time

Who hurt you bass? Is Jannie mad? Are you seething?

Edited numbers from posters that aren’t allowed to vote, adjusted fighterslam to +1 per guidelines

Current total is -1.5

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Also me when I see a admin being attacked IC

This guy… is based and redpilled more than all of y’all. I mean this guy with his money bought and sent me a box of Girl scouts Thin Mints. This man gets a +1 for me.

Also he’s been around since me which is uh old. And he knows a lot of tricks including how to robust someone before they robust you.

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I just wanna say that he has helped me in game previously. His mentorship should be returned because he’s actually much nicer than it seems. If you get to know him better he’s both kind and helpful.


Clown and Slav are mentors

That’s what I thought, but their roles are missing. I poked Crossed about it to make sure he didn’t strip anyone else’s status and was directed to act on assigned roles.

Mentor status on Discord but not forums is confusing

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