Replace Arctic Ruin Antique Gun with Handheld Medgun

Antique Gun:

  • no use for miners
  • powergame, only correct choice is giving it to command/sec
  • …who will also never use it
  • bypass antag objective, nice antagging bro

Handheld Medgun:

  • useful for miners
  • can’t heal yourself, encourages teamplay
  • you can still give it to medbay
  • you can still use it as an antag too
  • not anyone’s objective

I love having arctic ruin when swarmers are rampant because it gives me a longer range option to pick a few of them off, and it self charges so I can keep using it for that.

But +1 for the suggestion, a medgun would be badass. I’d almost rather see it in the veterinary ruin though.


It’s also useful for hostile ashwalkers since it has more range than a PKA.

aren’t they unable to use guns

Yeah they got bulky hands same like golems alongside if you need to be hostile to people who will in the future take away the spire round start cause of that just use the bolas as a hardstun against a miner is instant death for them (unless they pick up the PKA up first and smite you with rapid fire PKA blasts as it was all cooldown mods)

i think the medgun also isn’t an actual gun codewise, so i think ashies can use that one.

(not a fan of vet ruin though, or rather, maybe add something meaningful there, or if medgun goes there, replace antique with something else that’s good)

Yeah the medgun would be cool for the vets, but i agree they should have some extra stuff so the role doesn’t become too boring

As a side note, last time I had a medgun they can in fact to used on yourself, the beam just doesn’t show

but you get a gun which is cool because its a gun


I meant for killing ashwalkers.

do you really need a gun to do that bro

I was just pointing out a use of it on lavaland. It makes life easier but you don’t actually need it, just like half of the stuff you can find. You don’t need it for that unless the ash lizards are especially robust for once or something.

I think they banned the guy that did this

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I like this, the antique gun being in the arctic ruins was always silly to me.

If I was to get a bit ideasguy, I’d like to see it replaced by something that fits with the actual arctic theme. Something to do with the cold or something. Maybe like a staff that makes a 3x3 snowstorm around the user? Idk. I like the medigun idea a lot though.

4 cooldown mods on a PKA, 4 damage mods, summon shitsec and just in general watch them die on a patch of cactus grass cause they got no shoes and miss their two bola shots. so the gun is sorta nothing more then a cool trophy. (hostile golems, lavaland syndies and drop pod bum exist too ya know if you want to add to more “hostile lavaland roles”)

by the way medgun is sorta meant for nukies and ERT and from my time seeing them across codebases they are way stronger then a laser gun with self charge and them being lavaland loot sorta well takes the soul away from a rather small but cool item.

Medgun is really cool, yes, but it’s defensive and you only get one, and no other way to get it besides a mech.

Antique is really cool too, just more utility than anything. It really shines if you give it to explos, which is sadly really hard because catching them on station is tough.


Shitty 4chan buzzword, opinion ignored…

Suggest something better then. You’re the second person to say it doesn’t fit without actually offering anything better. Surely we can put something that’s actually useful for miners or crew in there, even if it’s not medgun.

TG had done something like that as a replacement if you’d like to port. Instead of a gun or medgun it’s just a goofy freezing cube that works like a boomerang and temporarily freezes mobs for a second it hits while dealing 10 damage with a cooldown of 3 seconds. It’s kind of peak.

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I thought the freezing cube was a spire drop there if I remember right and its one hella of a good clown item

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