Removing/nerfing stasis beds

What if stasis beds didn’t exist and patients had to be seen in an urgent manner?

What if operation tables and medical beds instead gave periodic beeps like an EKG and went ballistic when a patient went into crit?

Thought I’d jump on the “making medbay harder” train since it seems like the current trend.



I remember a time like that, patient comes in dead or alive and you medicate them to the best of your ability but you were kind of rushed so you could defib them ASAP, stasis beds remove the idea of urgency.

oh like a lifeline? beeping so you know they are alive? QoL change, imagine sitting on a surgery table and doctor did not know you were dead lol, if we go along with this certain action can probably put you in cardiac arrest and you need to zap them to continue the surgery.

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epipen. bypass. cyberheart.

more work for medbay, none of it warranted.

makes reviving certain corpses impossible (brain damage)

next thread.


Since when?
Splash some mannitol onto the brain or inject him and try defib, both of them worked for me and he was alive.

Does mannitol get processed in a corpse? Otherwise you’re asking for brain removal just for the sake of mannitoling it, because the patient instantly dies on revival if the brain is damaged enough without stasis.

no chems get processed but I remember injecting him and defibing him, probably for a tick it healed his brain damage after the zap

no chems get processed but I remember injecting him and defibing him, probably for a tick it healed his brain damage after the zap

Will test

Thank you, it’s been a while and I want to know if I am right or wrong about this.

There is usually a overflow of bodies as it is, all this would do would make people get revived much slower.


If you extract the brain you can splash mannitol on it to revive it.

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That’s the thing Perish said… imagine having to EXTRACT THE BRAIN OF THE PATIENT just to throw some funny repairing juice at it and then chuck it back in it just feels… extremely wrong lol, then away by that point you’re in need to do so since brain is dead but this applies to a scenario where no stasis bed are coming and you got an overflow of corpses where some of them would decay.

Stasis bed strong points regarding antags were against diseases, xenos and zombies and it got nerfed so all three could still work, preventing the ‘‘cheese’’, i’ll have to agree with Sunshine… on an average dynameme shift you’ll get a lot of corpses and it certainly sucks for the dead one to be on ghost observer simulator while they treat your 500 failing organs because no one epi’d you or in fact it will push back again the meta of using cloning, which i’ve already spoke on the other thread

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Just epi them. So many doctors forget to epi their patients. Just epi everyone you see and touch!! No reason not to. Epi will stop organ decay. Even double epi:ing isn’t bad. Better than no epi!


It hurts to see this everytime…
e v e r y t i m e…


IMO stasis beds should probably stay but organ decay really should happen faster to encourage more use of formaldehyde and epipen.

Also out of this thread’s scope but remove roundstart sleepers


Sleepers aren’t that important imo. I wouldn’t give a single fuck about roundstart removal.


No but it also isn’t processed while in stasis

The only way to revive a braindead corpse is to remove it and use mannitol on it manually, or at least the only way you’re supposed to be able to iirc.

Never dealt with IC brain damage much though, only OOC.



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Brain recalibration restores like 30% brain activity, I’ve always used this.

Aight then

the brain fixing step of the surgery can be repeated so you dont have to repeat the entire surgery 3-4 times

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