Remove roundstart glowshroom from botany

As title says.

Having the hard counter to Nightmares at roundstart is a yikes from me bro.

Or just make them one hits with the light eater, seeing as the last time I tried to break them it took 2-3 hits


Glow shrooms make nightmare near unplayable.
And it’s quite sad since sometimes you spawn in after the station is covered with them and you’re just fucked.

And yeah it’s 3 hits IIRC

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IIRC, shadowling had an ability that instantly put out light sources and killed glowshrooms in a short radius around it. Given that Nightmare is just new SLing, would make sense to have it.


no I hate nightmares all they do is break your apc and make it so you cant do jack shit since no one has apc access to fix it


You dont need APC access to repair an APC dum dum

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fuck nightmares. if somebody puts in the effort to counter them, get countered.


Thats exactly my point, counters should have effort put into them. Instead of the counter being roundstart (except the obvious exceptions like traitors and all that)

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Nightmare is one of my favorite ghost antags and I 100% agree with this.

Nightmares are a massive nuisance and glowshrooms aren’t the instant counter you’re making them out to be - They take time to spread and nightmare can destroy them in one hit just like any other light source.

The damage they deal while being removed is negligible just like other sources of light damage. Retreat for 20 seconds between taking swings at it and you’re back to full

You realize they can be pumped out like every minute, or even less time when you have 3+ containers producing glowshroom.

They can even clump up pretty harsh, where 3 can take up one tile in the maints.
Then before you can take those out, someone already replaced it with one more that also makes 3-4 more before you can fully heal and take em out.

Thats why they are a HARD counter against nightmares, and by far the easiest

Hard counters are good for such a powerful antag, even if I disagree with you.

I have encountered them as a nightmare before and they had little impact on me - I just avoided them and continued to carve out a domain in the areas that weren’t protected. Station gets dark pretty quickly when you get rid of the SMES first before targeting individual APCs

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Did you misread it? I didn’t say remove Glowshroom at all, I said to only remove it from the Seed Vendor in botany. Glowshroom is guaranteed on Meta, and you can even get some from Lavaland depending on the spawns.

For the Hard counter to be so easily available is what I want to be balanced.

Also, other Nightmares aren’t so lucky, when you got validhunters and others planting that glowshroom in every dark place on the station. Hell, even I do it when the glowshroom is available, and glowshroom doesn’t run on power.

Remove glowshrooms from seed vendors and make it a pain in the ass to aquire so no one will care enough to get it anymore because it tampers with the random mid-round antag. Sounds like balance to me.

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I mean, this is exactly it. This pretty much means the mid round is useless and should be removed since anyone can just grab some glowshroom and ruin the mid rounds day.

I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not, since that’s how the other hard counters for antags are balanced.

Another botany example would be holy melons against Cult. You have to mutate regular melons for them, which doesn’t take a shitton of effort, but atleast you know they actually worked for it.

A changeling example would be putting small amounts of BZ into the air, you have to put some effort into acquiring BZ gas.

There are a few other hard counters that atleast take effort to grab and use against antags.

That’s all I’m asking for, make them a mushroom mutation or something, not something as easy as grabbing it from the vendor and growing it.

Concentrated BZ is craftable in a chem dispenser from roundstart. (Changelings)

Chaplain has hard counters to both the cult and revenants, on top of chemistry again.

Pyro Slimes have their weakness literally littered across the entire station.

Ninjas are super weak to soap and banana peels.

Chaplains can immunize themselves against magic spells


Pyro slime isn’t like the others because it has no obj’s.

But the point is you plant glowshroom and walk away

Plant a glowshroom and walk away won’t hardcounter the nightmare though, you have to

  • Mass produce seeds, which unless they’ve already been growing is going to take some amount of time
  • Make a pretty strong effort to spread them across the station, because their natural spread is quite slow
  • Hope the Nightmare doesn’t catch you in the act of spreading them in a dark place (which is increasingly likely to happen the more you do) or your ass is toast because nightmare true-crit you as quickly as sec can stam-crit and appear out of nowhere.
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Glowshrooms also have some pretty useful traits that aren’t found in other stuff. Quit trying to screw over the botany meta because ‘reee i cant counter bright tile fungus as a super powerful, arm bladed, teleporting, self healing magicman reeeee!’


tbh nightmares have much more based counters, like circuit floor tiles which you need to fetch a crowbar for

Tables soft-counter nightmares. I stubbed my toe three times in the same run once. Died to the third one because I was in the midst of trying to kill someone for installing lights.


The counter to traitors is also roundstart, located north from warden’s office and accesible by high-rank security staff. Or any greyshit with a toolbox 2iq and spare 15 minutes.