Remade Syndicate Station

Remade Syndicate Station


Basically, I was working on one thing, ADHD kicked in and then I worked on another thing and more or less finished it within the same day. It is a remade Syndicate Station which has eight docks (including the EVAC shuttle). It feels overall quite strong and could still use some changes and polishing. It turned out quite great and the additional docks has a lot of potential.


Initially I was working on a custom buffed shuttle for the Crystal Operators, then I realized that the current Syndicate Station lacks a dock for it to be docked to. So I figured I’d remake it to fit a few more shuttles. At the same time I decided to decorate it a bit more and give them some more decorative things, I knew I wanted to use the “shuttle manipulator” object as the center piece of the operations room (usually seen in the CC briefing room) and have a row of consoles over looking the primary hallway. Sort of giving the Syndicate Station its own functional station atmosphere. I was tempted to include a functional power system but decided against it because of effort constraints.

For reference, here is a picture of the old Syndicate Station and the default shuttle.

Syndicate Station

Syndicate Infiltrator (Nukie)


Here is the station itself, it features eight docks (including the EVAC shuttle and the two drop pods) along with the assault pod. It has a dedicated briefing room, armoury, medical, tool storage and a little mech recharging corner. My method of implementing this has been to only use everything that I could find on the default infiltrator shuttle and Syndicate Station with some lesser exceptions.

I’ve included multiple docking locations for the purpose of allowing other contributors to add their own Syndicate Shuttles to allow for more variety. You will only be able to access and use one of them.


The armoury provides all five standard issue hardsuits and personal Nuclear Operative lockers, along with a state-of-the-art armoury conveyor belt (belt not included in image).


The Medbay provides basic healing and surgery. Mostly standard issue equipment here with the addition of bloodbags.

Tool Storage

Equiped with top of the line state-of-the-art advanced proficiently generic standard issue equipment. It has an Autolathe, that’s all which is unique with this section.

Mech Recharger

Two mech rechargers and two cyborg rechargers (mech not included).


This will serve as a reminder to me to change it in the future and to hopefully prevent repeated suggestions on changes.

I am still uncertain if I should look into replacing the old Syndicate Station with this one or if I should keep this as an advanced variant for the Crystal Operators.

  • Reduce armoury size.
  • Reduce medical size.
  • Remove the specialized dock for the default infiltrator shuttle and put it in a generically designed dock.
  • Perhaps move all the docks to another Z-level on the CC level?
  • Move the hallway to the northern and southern shuttle to where the disposals and cyan pipes are.
  • Include an actual airlock door to prevent potential docking issues.
  • Reduce the size of the default shuttle significantly.
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