Re-Add The Good Viro Symptoms

Also guess I’m just blind for not seeing them on the wiki

so i can just chalk this up to preference then. you prefer the weaker heals (that can also all be shoved into a virus together just like old viro could) to stronger ones with some downsides that, aside from the cell heal or the overclocked pituitary, arent too extreme

I guess that’s fair… I just feel like the weaker heals were more versatile and usable in general situations, not interfering with anything else I wanted to do, while the new ones are just annoying in some case or debilitating in others. Would you be willing to create some new tamer symptoms? I mean what’s wrong with variety right?

I find the only one, in practice, that really interferes with general work is Pituitary’s knockdown, though I can even fuck with that in the upcoming balance PR. Thermal Retrostable is, in practice, largely benevolent, unless you meet the hair-trigger threshold, or are a cold or heat immune race (snowdin as a plasmaman with a bag of holding was hell with that, lemme tell ya)

more can be added at a later date, though I ought to note variety DOES have downsides- it makes viro slower and more resource-intensive by widening the pool

I understand that, although you could just add more symptom tiers, or expand tier 4 which you made fun of even though it has sensory restoration. I just want to have fun with my favorite role again, which I hadn’t ever since the new symptoms were added

However I do disagree that is just pituary, Sweating puddles isn’t fun either

really? the puddles are quite uncommon ( one in every three activations or so) and only last about five seconds

eh, guess It’s just me then don’t like the idea of sweating out dangerous chemicals everywhere

not only is it beneficial to purge them via sweating, it’s actually intentionally weaponizeable. It’s not common to get those chems in you anyhow

Fair enough, So you would be open to adding more tame heals then?

depends what they are

maybe some sort of omniheal that takes from your nutrition?

there could always be more that was just an Idea

try coding it. i have other things i need to do

I actually did want to get into coding, where would I start?

look at it till it makes sense, ask people stupid questions

use ctrl+c and ctrl+v liberally

heh, thought so would you test merge it if I did?

make it, test it, make sure it’s balanced.

got it
so char gang…

so i had to bring this up to mention that the new symptoms are not on wiki
except the teleportation one