RC Car Circuit Design

It is 2 part design. It is really simple one too, I made it while experimenting. I am sharing it, so it can be shown how it works and so it can be experimented with by you people. I’d recommend experimenting with it yourself, i do not have much experience with circuits, so it may be a bit underwhelming but it was fun to make this. I hope it will give you some ideas or some base on which you can make your own Pilot steered mobile circuit.
Designs Require Advanced Circuits to be printed.

RC Car.

{"assembly":{"type":"type-a electronic drone","name":"RC Car","desc":"Simple Design RC Car. Use Data Card to Sync to Pilot.","detail_color":"#44843C"},"components":[{"type":"NTNet networking circuit","inputs":[[1,0,"934815ad"]]},{"type":"data card reader","inputs":[[1,0,"RC Car NTNet ID"],[2,0,"2bcab9d9"],[3,0,1]]},{"type":"local locator"},{"type":"NTNet scanner"},{"type":"reference decoder","inputs":[[1,0,"0e6337626669666e676518"]]},{"type":"examiner"},{"type":"not equal gate","inputs":[[1,0,1],[2,0,0]]},{"type":"coordinate pathfinder","inputs":[[1,0,172],[2,0,119]]},{"type":"locomotion circuit","inputs":[[1,0,2]]},{"type":"custom ticker","inputs":[[1,0,1],[2,0,10]]},{"type":"advanced rel to abs coordinate converter","inputs":[[1,0,0],[2,0,-1]]},{"type":"tesla power relay"},{"type":"tiny photovoltaic cell"},{"type":"starter"}],"wires":[[[1,"I",1],[1,"O",4]],[[1,"O",2],[5,"I",1]],[[1,"A",2],[5,"A",1]],[[2,"I",2],[4,"O",1]],[[3,"O",1],[4,"I",1]],[[3,"A",1],[14,"A",1]],[[3,"A",2],[4,"A",1]],[[5,"O",1],[6,"I",1]],[[5,"A",2],[6,"A",1]],[[6,"O",3],[11,"I",1]],[[6,"O",4],[11,"I",2]],[[6,"A",1],[8,"A",2]],[[6,"A",2],[7,"A",1]],[[6,"A",2],[11,"A",1]],[[7,"O",1],[10,"I",1]],[[7,"A",1],[10,"A",1]],[[7,"A",2],[8,"A",1]],[[8,"I",1],[11,"O",1]],[[8,"I",2],[11,"O",2]],[[8,"O",1],[9,"I",1]],[[8,"A",2],[9,"A",1]]]}


{"assembly":{"type":"type-d electronic assembly","name":"RC Car Pilot","desc":"Used to Steer RC Car. Use Data Card to Sync to RC Car.","detail_color":"#44843C"},"components":[{"type":"NTNet networking circuit","inputs":[[1,0,"2bcab9d9"],[2,0,"0e6337626669666e676518"],[4,0,"934815ad"]]},{"type":"ranged sensor"},{"type":"reference encoder"},{"type":"local locator"},{"type":"NTNet scanner"},{"type":"data card reader"},{"type":"tiny photovoltaic cell"},{"type":"starter"}],"wires":[[[1,"I",1],[6,"O",2]],[[1,"I",2],[3,"O",1]],[[1,"I",4],[5,"O",1]],[[1,"A",1],[3,"A",2]],[[2,"O",1],[3,"I",1]],[[2,"A",1],[3,"A",1]],[[4,"O",1],[5,"I",1]],[[4,"A",1],[8,"A",1]],[[4,"A",2],[5,"A",1]]]}

You must use Data Card on the RC Car First, then on the Pilot.
Edit: I added starter, so it updates the NTScanner inside of the machine by itself.


Things to note:
RC Car will sometimes try to go directly to target, which may cause the device to get stuck.
RC Car is slow because it uses only one locomotion circuit. Feel free to add some more to make it faster.
As long the RC Car “sees” the thing you are pointing with the pilot, it will go to the pointed place.
Pilot won’t work when telecomms are down due to using NTNetwork.
It may happen that after hour into a round, NTNetwork card suddenly decides to stop working.
RC Car after putting battery will go somewhere on the station, so please hold it in hand while synchronizing it with the pilot to stop it from escaping.

Also Screenshot of all things that come from this design.
Single Continent Twelve 13.02.2021 10_52_01

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Step by step explonation how this device works:
------ Print Data Card and Sync the Devices. --------
Use Data Card on RC card, and then use it on the Pilot

  1. Pilot uses Ranged Sensor to get the reference of the target.
  2. Reference Target is encoded to text with the “reference encoder”
  3. If pilot is synched with the RC car, the encoded reference is sent to the RC car with “NT Network Card”
  4. RC car recieves the encoded reference and decrypts it with “reference decoder”
  5. Decrypted reference is then used in examiner that gets info about the location.
  6. X and Y coordinates are used in “advanced rel to abs coordinate converter” which is sent to “Coordinate Pathfinder”
  7. Distance from pathfinder is used in “Not Equal Gate” which compares distance with 0, so it doesn’t constantly move.
  8. Custom ticker is used per second which constantly compares the difference between the distance and moves the device with locomotion circuit.

I hope it is easy to understand.

Edit: Fixed the step by step to match the “starter” change.