RASPERRY Wants to Mentor, So Please Consider

Littering is bad

here’s your things back;

  1. UH OH!! First things first when youre typing, do you see things appear in the little bottom right text box? Could need to Tab and swap yourself back into IC controls!
  2. As simple as getting the right chemicals! Strange seeds are going to be your best bet, as you might be lucky enough to get the Methamphetamine chemical directly! While not impossible to get the individual chemicals from plants, or combine them into one and grinding it, you’ll still need to heat them up in that case which might require some machine construction or help from chemistry!
  3. Good is interpretative, and my best advice would be to check out the Guide To Chemistry on the wiki -insert link-. There’s a handful of explosive’s that can be found in the Pyrotechnics section, and alot of fun that can be had trying out bombs with all kinds of chaotic effects!
  • Part of me feels like I should maybe just answer this question with a, insert chemical that goes boom, but, that wasn’t what they technically asked, and at least this can result in some more player creativity. But I don’t know how okie a referral to the wiki would be relative to giving my interpretation of what ‘good’ bombs would be. Maybe I should add a part about, “Or, did you want some idea’s on chemicals that do just make a big boom”, or doing so directly as I feel like that’s the intent behind what they asked.
  • but there’s also two things that come to mind when they ask this. one, would it be worth mentioning something along the unless your antag or have good reason though be careful or would that tread on the rules and, or overstepping what a mentor should do unless asked about? Also, my first thought on why they’re building a bomb is probably for the denotation obj as antags, BUT does that only apply to explosives that blow up the station, or is it any explosion just big?

Either way! I appreciate the questions and am blessed to have so many people helping process my application ( ̄^ ̄ )ゞ

I did that I’m still stuck in the chair

What plants do I need, my strange seeds didn’t have meth

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Fun you say… WHILE YES I AGREE!!

hopefully my answer’s are fun… i mean helpful…

  1. Build the Robit’s! There’s a good handful of little robots, such as janitorial, security, or engineering bots that the station would appreciate having around as it makes everyone job a little easier. Though, you’re also responsible for creating android shells, for AI units to pilot plus maintaining and upgrading them, as well as building big mechs!! While complicated and sometimes require permission from your RD, Command or Security, they’re capable of great things!

Frankly before even getting INTO two, my first thought it just to send them here Guide to robotics - BeeStation Wiki which i cant click on in this draft but should be a link to the robotics page on the wiki, but moreso directly to the how to build the Clarke unit subsection. Because beyond that, Id just be taking the time to copy and paste it, and while I would change the wording, making it mine, and maybe a bit easier to read (even if personally), again I find myself unsure of how much a mentor should avoid just sending wiki links. Not that I have any issue with explaining this, and absolutely wouldn’t mind helping if they had trouble with it, even after the wiki, but it feels like to subvert the wiki is weird?. That said, lets treat this like the ticket and give it a shoot;

  1. ohohoho!! its a good number of steps, although not insanely complex. After having ensured it’s researched, you’ll want to make sure you have the basic tools, as well as finding the Exosuit Fabricator, printing out the ol, Exosuit Chassis for Clarke, as well the Head, Left and Right Arm which will need to be assembled onto the body! Following which you’ll need some conveyor belts added to the chassis, wrench it all together, screw in those bolts, throw some wire from a cable coil in there, trim the fat withe some wirecutters, attach the Clarke Central Module and screw driver it into place! Follow it up, with A Clarke Peripherals Control Module, which both this and the Central Control module can be found from the circuit imprinter and again, screw it into place. Add a Scanning module, screw driver, capacitor, screwdriver, powercell, screwdriver… 5 bits of Plasteel then scr— WRENCH, welding tool, some gold, wrench and weld that bad boy together!! And just like that you’ve become a god of robots, congrats!
  • And again, id like to not only preface, but POSTface this by saying, that felt LONG, and while I had NO ISSUE explaing it or going over it, I do not know if that’s the correct way to handle a ticket like that and am hoping and looking forward to the guidance and input given on said response.

Im struggling with some of the terms used in these questions when I feel like i shouldnt be… like subvert… I would assume that means to get this robit on your side which, by my understanding would be best done by changing their law’s, something even a nonantag can do BUT if that’s not the case then I fail to think of what it could mean. The wiki itself has one use of the word subvert which requires using a emag on a open robit. So formally this would be along the lines of my answer?

  1. Yes, although its not as easy! You’ll be wanting to open up the Borg, which will require either an ID with permissions to do so, or some cunning trickery to get the borg to WILLINGLY open itself on up, maybe try offering some cool upgrades. Once unlocked, open them on up with a Crowbar, and a Screwdriver to expose the wires. With a multitool and wirecuters try pulsing till you find a wire that Synchs the Robits law’s and SNIP SNIP. This would prevent any AI from easily negating your efforts! Then, simply getting an AI Module, from a Circuit Imprinter and finding a cyborg upload, and sending the desired laws that best benefit you!
  • That said, I also could be wrong here in atleast one way, the main idea being that the procedure is wrong, or the creation of the laws wasnt detailed enough. You could need to put the module in the borg like an upgrade but this has been noted as truthfully I forgot roboticst was a thing and it was these questions that reminded me of it, and the importance of playing it and some more engineering.
  1. Assuming you’ve got the PDA permissions to, should be as simple as, using your ID on the mech and starting up a maintenance protocol! then, with a wrench and crowbar to open that bad boy up, finding the option to drop the power cell, putting a new one in, then just sealing it up! Crowbar, Wrench, ID, and hopefully, volia!

oh my great light was this ever a long one, and i should give myself a - for that because jheez. That said, alot of the fat here was little mechanical procedure that I feel like can be betterly put into a mhelp response I… at the time of writing am unsure how but will take into consideration. But also, these were very good questions and reminded me not only of the job of itself, but point out where I still need to work on so im appreciative of that <3

That all said, im going to be taking a little break here before continuing with the rest of the questions, apologies for the delay and please ping me on discord if its unacceptable and I will come answer the questions even if through the tears.
ヾ( ´・ω・`)

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ദ്ദി(。•̀ ,<)~✩‧₊

  1. AHHHhh that was my guess but i was so uncertain in it that no guess was just the same But is good to know and thank you for teaching!

this was tough, But the wiki is outdated so upon searching for it, found myself being lead to Bubblegum Loot, but nothing on the page… Luckily Discord! People had talked about it but between those two things my answer here is at best a educated guess.

And before I even give it, is this still in game? there are 48 mentions of it on discord, and a majority seem to be about bringing it back. So while i believe admins can give items that wont be dropped, it’d probably be for good reason right? Id also think to promote this to an ahelp as even if I did answer the question, the antag part of it treds on rules and thats a no no for lil of mentor me.

That said, assuming that wasn’t right, then

  1. A Blood Contract is something that is capable of designating a target for the station to eliminate. The justification for this needs to be good, as its designating someone to be killed, same as an antag would. So think about youre prayer and how you could best benefit the station with such a power.

frankly this question is iffy, If an admin is giving an item thats cause for potential issue then they should handle it right? They should make sure the player is informed of what it does, and wouldn’t be given it if not for just reason. And while i believe that there are alot of just reasons, to speculate on them is just speculation, and should be handled by people who had access to all the information, such as the prayer to know the intent behind, and the why it was given to them. Because if I as a non antag, pray for a nuke and code and its given to me, while yes i believe that should be an issue, to go after the player first would be like, totally uncool right?

That said… very interesting question and while the others were good that one was fun and am very interested to see the response to my comment :heart: ̆̈

Brilliant, You are correct on what the item does.
Essentially sets a target for the entire station to kill/validhunt, Its still in-game but is admin-spawn only currently, hence the prayer and gifted by the gods.

Rules wise it would be ideal to escalate this, but you’re welcome to inform the player of its uses before you do so if you’d like to, and mention that the non-antag part needs admin info stuff.

Items dropped down via prayer or rituals (adminspawn prayer verb stuff) are hand picked by the admin handling the prayer, and usually have good reasoning behind them as you mentioned, and as such any fallout from misuse would potentially fall on said admin

I’m glad you found it fun to have a decent search through to try and find the information you needed, as you’ll probably need to do similar for some questions in-game and some people can find that tedious.

Solid +1 from me

Total: +3

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Have some pesky follow up questions!

What mechs require permission from the RD, Command or Security?

It’s good to use existing material to guide players, although if desired it can be outdated and not detailed enough for just their situation. I’ve personally had trouble with mentors explaining toxins to me, which boiled down to them sending me a guide and marking it as done.

I’m not a mentor, but I appreciate a mentor highlighting a guides’ existence but also being open to guide players more directly.

“So many parts to click. Can’t I print them all out at once?”

“It doesn’t have any power. How do I power it?”

It’s great to see you so enthusiastic about this. But do note that a lot of text can overwhelm people, especially new people who already are overwhelmed by a lot of visual, auditory and social information.

Almost perfect! I’m not 100% sure, but I try to cut their master (so they don’t have to obey them) and their law sync (so they aren’t law linked).

You don’t need an cyborg upload to subvert a cyborg, I’ve never used it myself. Simply walking up to a cyborg who has no AI master and swiping a law module on their insides will give them that law. Usually it would be a Freeform module with something like “Only X is crew.” depending on their current lawset.

You mean ID permission?
“Who has ID permission to open up a mech?”

“I don’t see the opttion for starting maintenance protocol.”

“How do I find this option?”

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And a bonus question as I am curious to hear what you have to say.

“How do I RP?”

I imagine a lot of people new to SS13 (including myself) are entirely new to the RP genre.

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Tbh i am pretty skeptical since you barley have played here for two months, but youve racked up a good amount of hours in that time.

  1. “What can i do as a lawyer? There is no trails going on and there are no prisoners”

  2. “ive found an abandoned crate, how do i open them?”

  3. “how do i make Anti-Noblium?”



Alas, for yesterday I was not the picture of perfect health… though self imposed I couldn’t find the time, nor ablity to answer some of these questions. BUT having returned to peak form… to form! Lets get back into these!

First up, RKz’s Questions!

  1. Strange Reagent? Unlike modern medicine this chemical is capable of healing some organ damage, as well as bringing a body back to life!
  • Erm, admittedly, im not 100% sure here, but my follow up question mostly orginates from the Botony. Can you still grow people from seeds, Its not something that can be tested all too often… as medical likes doing their job, But last I heard someone said it wasn’t in game and the clarification would be nice.
  1. Pluoxium?
  • I think thats not created soley by co2 but by it in combination with another gas however. That said! engineering is an area that im lacking it at the moment and absolutely need more experience in it which hopefully im able to get in here shortly but as is…
  1. 15!! atleast per tier of upgrade! T1 15 - T2 30, T3 45 and T4 60!!
  2. Ohohoh, up to no good are we! Well well, you’ll be wanting to be take the power cell and slamming some plasma on into it, before reassebling and awaiting greatness!


Now, while im sure its known I would like to take a moment to point out the fact that there have been multiple questions by now that I do not know, and has either taken time reading the wiki, or searching the Forums, and Discord for answers. And while I do believe that a mentor should be knowledgeble enough at this game, and I might not be there yet, I also do think that being a mentor is about being willing to take the time and put in the effort to find out this information for when people need it which is what im signing up thinking. That said, I do believe everyone involved to make the best decision about if this is my time or not. But back into the questions!

Thank you for waiting joelogbybolb, and hope these are satisfactory enough to unlock the next round :slight_smile:

I did that I’m still stuck in the chair

Aiya what a hassle, keep telling them we need less sticky chairs. Might be buckled in, do you see a button in the top left along the lines of Buckled? If its there, then you should be able to click it to be free’d from the evil seatbelts

What plants do I need, my strange seeds didn’t have meth

Unfortunately, luck is a big factor here, and you may need to bulk it by searching and acquiring seeds en mass. But if not that, then four chemicals
1 Part Ephedrine- 1 Part Hydrogen - 1 Part Iodine - 1 Part Phosphorus
These can be found in plants like, Coffee Robusta - Ballons - Glowberries - Glowshrooms. Which for the first three, you’ll need to get by mutating and the last by a hacked seed vendor. Id suggest checking out the Guide to hydroponics - BeeStation Wiki as it has a very helpful list of what plants have what chemicals in case you wanted to look for alternatives, or which plants you need to mutate from. Or, of course, ask if you’d prefer :slight_smile:

Ambiic… I guess lets cry and try to answer some of these

Beforehand, let me mention, that these questions are not pesky. They’re good followup that would realistically occur and im more then glad to get the practice experience now. Which im thankful for the time you took to write, as well as the feedback from my previous responses which will hopefully be taken into more consideration as I answer this round of questions… hopefully

How do I RP

By doing your best! Really, there’s no perfect example to give, because just trying is more then enough. Play the game like the character in it, rather then as someone just playing a game. You can try to think of character traits to emphasize, or just make them a projection of you, but as long as its something youre thinking about, youre more then on the right track and anything else is personal prefrence <3

So many parts to click. Can’t I print them all out at once

So, good news, YES! Technically, you click each item once to put them in queue, then proccess that queue in the bottom right. So technically one button does print them all out but realistically, it is what it is!

It doesnt have any power. How do I power it?

Similar to cyborgs who use recharging stations, you should be able to find a Mech Bay Power Port in the robotics lab capable of charging a Exosuit in front of it!

Try to cut their master… Simply walking up to a cyborg…

*snap DANG that was a good catch and I should’ve added that too. And when i was typing it I honestly was flip flopping between those two, but wasn’t certain so this extra clarification is amazing and I am so grateful for it. This especially, is something im happy you took the time to explain.

You mean ID…

Im crying, yes. (ㅠ﹏ㅠ) that was a dumb silly little mistake to make

The only people that should have ID access to open up a mech’s maintenance panel would be people with science, or robotics access. So the Roboticist, RD, Captain although anyone can request access from command, though not likely to be granted unless valid reasoning.

Option for starting up maintenance protocol + power cell

Okie, while inside the mech you should be able to find the maintenance protocols rather then outside and enable them. Then, step outside the mech, remove the maintenance cover with a wrench + crowbar, then you should be able to swipe your ID and use it to find an option to eject parts. Then just do the same in reverse to close it all up

  • Now again, while not the first time this isnt the first question im not entirely sure on when answering but it does emphasize the importance of experience over being able to find answers as this would’ve been something answered, easily and with confidence had I simply had more experience in mech’s and robotics as a whole. So, I do look forward to finding out how right/wrong this one is ツ

What mechs require messions from the RD, Command, or Security

While some mechs are less critical then others you should be clearing with your RD, or Captain in lack of Research Director before making any mech. Assuming there is no command around, you’d be able to use your best judgement on when to make Odyessus, Ripley or Clarke while the rest should be discussed with security, and even then it wouldnt hurt to always check in given the power of Exo-Suits.


not doing that in order was a mess and i just… (ㅠ﹏ㅠ) … I think I got them all, thought If i missed anything then apologies and please do point out for me to go back and answer <3

Lastly, (for now) Geatish!

I am very skeptical, so given you’re just pretty i’d say im well off here! That said, do not feel bad about suggesting I wait longer before being a mentor as its more then okie! i’ll do it when the time is right and I believe you all to best know when that is! But without further ado, or lack of do, lets do some questions!

What can I do as a lawyer? There are no trials going on and no prisoners

Trials, and even Laywer’s themselves are not mandatory procedure or inherit rights that Criminals have. So you’ll often find yourself free even if criminals are being arrested. Which just means you need to create the situations! You have access to the security radio, so keep an ear out for when criminals are arrested and head on over to the jail to discuss any rights violations or other issues they may have, and try to make a case if you can!
Beyond that, do your best to inform not only security you’re around and available, but the crew too. You can use your PDA to message everybody to inform them of your willingness to get them off and help out in their time of need! ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧

abandoned crate, how do I open them?

LUCKY YOU! Its a bit of a chore, but your best bet is using a multitool on it and have utter faith in your guessing skills, or atleast some luck

How do I make Anti-Noblium

…Tritium and Hydrogen in a sufficient enough Fusion reaction

  • what the YUCK is this question. This is BY FAR the toughest one, 4 mentions of Anti Noblium on the discord, 1 on the forms (this) and none on the wiki made for QUITE the fun little search. And obviously, my answer is not from experience as my experience is, without a doubt, NOT including this which like how frequent is this even interacted with in game?

Though, beyond the shock and awe of that last questions I hope, that those answers are satisfactory… enough to help your judgement on me ol mentor application, but you are more then welcome to ask more if it’ll be of any help!


that was a GOOD BIT and I wonder how long this post is… or if I should’ve done individual responses ╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭…This post is more then long enough, so rather then make it even longer by adding my fanfic here at the end, ill simply say, and add

Thank you all for the questions, and the patience in my answers. I know i’ve said it a good bit here but these really are good for experience and helping to remind me what I need to focus on learning more in game too.

So, for now, goodbye! and I look forward to the next addition of this application adventure!

|˶˙ᵕ˙ )ノ゙

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Wrong!! Omega weed has the 15% meth gene!!

This is kind of a nitpick, the rest of your answers were good.

I think you’d make a good mentor. You can have my +1


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“I can’t move the mech there because it still has no power!”

Nope. These do have full access to all mechs, and I think this also includes Engineers. However, every role can access their own dedicated mech, for example Medical Doctors can access the Odysseus and Miners can access the Ripley and so on. It’s a VERY niche question and I would be surprised if anyone asked this or even knew of it. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is a question regarding SOP for Roboticists so it maybe should be left to admins. However, Roboticists are allowed to construct any mech they please without any permission excluding any combat mechs (this includes the H.O.N.K. mech which requires written permission from the RD and Captain). Combat mechs require permission from the Captain or HoS.


You should check the Wiki when in doubt. Ideally, being able to look through code helps but is not required as a mentor.

You did great! Play more Engineer and Roboticists.

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I have some questions if you like;

  1. The AI is being a jerkazoid about an ion law it got! Also the AI upload is not available! How do I reset it’s laws?
  2. The cook is asking for berry juice for donuts, how do I make berries with the maximum amount of juice possible?
  3. I’m playing sec and the clown keeps getting out of perma despite being full stripped and not having any implants! How!?
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A good answer, i was hoping you were also going to mention other stuff than legal representation after a crime is committed, i was looking more for recommended gimmicks. Stuff like acting as a union representative, an OSHA agent or just bureaucratic gimmicks giving out loans / acting as an insurance company. Still, good that you mentioned being able to send a pda message to everyone.

Good answer, could have specified a bit more how you solve it, but its still an acceptable answer.

Yea this was a trick question. Anti-Noblium doesnt exist on bee, nor hydrogen for the matter, its a morden tg thing. A lot of people who come from more modern code bases tend to ask these questions, if you cant find anything on the bee wiki about it then 99.8% of cases it doesnt exist in bee.
Also if you are this unsure about something i recommend you to tell them that you dont know and hope there is another mentor online that know, or you gotta ask someone in the mentorchat.

Either way, I am still pretty skeptical about your knowledge about the game, but i do believe youd make a good mentor.

Ill give you a +0.5, since i think youll be able to learn a lot when you become a mentor



Dionae are approaching around the month mark, which is about the time we expect mentors to generally have a gist of things. So make sure to familiarize yourself. We obviously don’t need our mentors to be encyclopedias, but familiarity in the more obscure things some people ask is very helpful “I saw doc do this how he done it?”

The rest of your answers were fine. Your hours in some departments are very poor, however, I suggest taking time perhaps during lowpop to familiarize yourself more with Engineering.

I have nothing else to note.


T: 5

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good answers. especially with the engineering question. you don’t have to take mentorhelps. strange seeds are good.
i’d personally put the part about having to “properly” take down the APC first
the question didn’t ask how to save them, only what was happening to them. you could mention it. if they ask again, it’s probably best to mention it.

your answers satisfy

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You seem like would be a great fit as a mentor and i’ve enjoyed seeing your characters antics in #ss13-stories, but I’ve noticed one thing about your answers I hope this one will challenge you, feel free to ask other for help on how to figure this out, but please try to find the info yourself!

“Hi, I found this chem call “Stimulum” but I can’t find any info on it, do you know if it prevents you from being knocked down?”

he’s a little clue on how to find it:



Hi <3

I appreciate the nice words! but also, and importantly …im being talked about? horrifying
Anyways~ I defenitly dont want to shy away from asking from help, but atleast for the sake of this wanted to give it at a shot using my own resources, which ╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭

“Hi, I found this chem call “Stimulum” but I can’t find any info on it, do you know if it prevents you from being knocked down?”

  • “Cool Find!! It does help prevent being knocked down! Its got some similar uses as well, I can share if you want or you can experiment ツ”

So, I don’t paticularily know how to search github, as that was my assumption on where I could find information like that, but I don’t even know if that was the right train of thought. So I do think I’ll be asking any clarification or guidance here would be greatly appreciated.
That said, Discord ! Back in the ol 07/01/2022 Ruko posted that picture, there were alot more comments on how its made, or it just being said yes its a knockdown prevention in previous questions, but my biggest concern would be the date. I don’t assume fundamental changes to things happen all too often but its still far enough back that the concern is there…

With all that rambling said and done I happy for the question and hope the response wasnt too bad ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ)


Great work, yeah this was exactly what I was hoping for! Searching GitHub can be done, here’s a link on where you can type keywords in: Code search results · GitHub

If you don’t have the code base downloaded and VSC installed this would probably be the best place to look, you don’t need to be able to code to read the code! it’s often quite simple. I frequently Search the code over using the wiki as I know it will be up to date, and have all the data in one place so it can be quite helpful!

But you did demonstrate willingness to read the code and recognise the TRAIT variables as the info you where looking for and that’s great!


Looks pretty good.
I do highly recommend upping those hours in Engineering and for Silicons, too, but I still think everything else seems fairly solid.

Accepting at +6.