Title:Raphaelounico banned by ro5490
Admin’s CKEY:
Ban Type:
Ban Length:
4 days
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/):
2024-06-01 19:27:28
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
After already being warned about powergaming, went and re-aquired tools and continued to cause issues on-station as a non-antag assistant. Take some time to read over our rules.
Appeal Reason:
joined as assistant for being unsure on what to do, so decided to run around and joke, had the qm throw glass shards and broken cups and got arrested for throwing it back, escaped brig once for fun, after that served that, there i got access to maintnance from the hos as acting cap and went exploring maints, found some things a bartender’s fit and a chainsaw, asked medical to attach said chainsaw to me, made a shotgun and loaded it with a single beanbag shot, was gonna use it to scare off bad people, got bwoinked by ro5490 who was asking for me to remove my chainsaw arm and shotgun, claiming as it was power gaming, i didnt think about that so i noticed it was kinda overdoing it, so i removed the chainsaw arm and threw the shotgun on the trash, ro5490 then asked to throw the cleaver away too, but after asked me to throw the tools away too, i didnt get the tools part but complied, later on sec was doing random searches on green, and considering how i wasnt carrying any contraband nor doing any crimes it would be fun to run around, wich ended in 4 officers and a borg having to stun me down due the lack of arms (wich was the chainsaw, so i had only 1 arm), was taken to brig and searched, after being released (and taking photos showing around 4 to 5 ghosts orbiting me, idk why) i went walking around again, doing armless jokes, when i heard over comms that a kudzu plant(vines) was growing, so i went around maints looking for it, doing so i found myself in science, seeing the prolathe, doing so i printed out a screw diver, a crowbar and a multitool, walked 20 tiles and got bwoinked again by ro5490, saying “i warned you once” when i said “WHAT, WHAT DID I DO!” i got banned
Additional Information:
the engineer moth started helping sec and was going after me trying to help them instead of working, the borg was using harm on me but he probaly was on the captalist laws