Rain Silverwood player Report

CKEY: TwiggyJrr

Your Discord: TwiggyJr

Offender’s CKEY: Unknown

Offender’s In-Game Name: Rain Silvewood

Server (Sage or Acacia): Sage

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024/03/04

Round Number: 47906

Rules Broken: 1(You must roleplay (Broke spacelaw)). 2 (No powergaming).

Incident Description:
Ahelped in round but no admins.
Rain Silvewood became defacto cap as no cap, made a durand and camped inside of it for pretty much most of the round. Also once they killed me for trying to kill them (as my objective), they just left me dead and didn’t revive me. He then proceded to use my PDA and purchase equipment for himself (syndicate radio).
After deliberating with the brig phys, they decided to borg me which I believe counts as execution, even though I didn’t commit capital murder as I didn’t succeed.

Later constructed a gygax, and as shuttle docked he grabbed a energy gun, set it to lethals, boarded back into his gygax and went to leave.

Additional Information:
Apparntly was asking the phys brig if he could debrain and borg the clown earlier on, asking what their crime was. Also asked if they could use the clown as “Target practice” in their mech.
Also was apparently saying “Kek”, however I didn’t witness this, only heard through dead chat.


Can confirm both the requesting to debrain and borg me before even asking what I did, then the part about using me as target practice in the mech, and then later I did see him say Kek IC im sure logs will show that anyhow. Also do think that he made no effort to roleplay at all, spent the entire round targeting people for “being traitors” then as soon as it quieted down because he had validhunted them all he said “im gonna go cryo”.

I’d like to add when he was initially seeking to debrain and borg me I hadnt committed a capital crime, and hadn’t yet rolled midround traitor, the borg he made IMO was being NRP and bad faith and I ahelped that too but no admins. What annoyed me most of all though, is he only responded to things he could kill, Mia got spaced and he just ignored that because its helping not harming.


is he only responded to things he could kill, Mia got spaced and he just ignored that because its helping not harming.

Yeah I had to scream at him or the borg constantly following him to save Mia from space because I was medical and had no exosuit I could use to try get them.

I’ll take a look at this soon, but I would appreciate if you could answer some questions before I do.

  • Was there any security?
  • What had you done to justify this? Was it implied by him or what? A nonantag getting capital punishment for no reason seems strange.

there was no security present, the closet thing to security was a brig physician and the acting captain. unsure if the brig physician got deputized.

@TwiggyJrr did you steal the NAD?

Nope, just research nodes and kill Rain

Also, no security, but brig phys

I walked through an open door into the OUTER SM CHAMBER to say OHH SHINY at the SM as clown and because the borg player instead of trying to RP with me spammed buckle and tried to stunlock throw me into a wall so he could take me outside, RCD walled me in with engineering doors, and then I ahelped because i suspect he raised the room temp to crit me to get me outside faster. When the borg was having me arrested for this I resisted arrest and hurt the brig phys so AT BEST, attempted murder. But i’d like to add that he wanted to debrain me, then asked what I did.

That was also me as clown, I did that AFTER he requested to both debrain me and shoot me with mech because as he was asking that while I was cuffed on the medbay table I got midround.

Rain.S here to give my side of the story:

Let’s start with the Space Law:
(TL;DR: Yes, you are correct, I broke it albeit unintentionally)
Long version:
at that point you have been charged with attempted code 401 (Prime Murder) as well as code 310 (BEHSA) (even if it wasn’t you who broke into HoP Office, you would still be charged with 309 (High Sec. Trespass), assumed it was code 310 since I left the crown you were wearing in the HoP office), code 206 (Possession of Contraband) and 205 (hostile agent). At that point in time, I also argued that you have been behind the bomb that blew up in robotics (therefore code 303), which yes, you can argue is a stretch.

At that moment I was under the impression that, with multiple broken codes some of which were major crimes (310, 303), I could charge the highest crime possible (401) with full sentence, regardless whether attempted or not (I consulted the brig phys for this, which they agreed with after “They revised the space law”, I assume the phys. thought you could be charged with 405 without reading it properly first.). However, upon revising space law today by me (which yes, I should’ve confirmed that at the time of the situation), I see is not the case, therefore yes, i am guilty of breaking Spacelaw, you are correct. (Would’ve been cool to see that resolved IC with CC, too bad no admins were on)

Now the powergaming:
(TL;DR: you can only argue I powergamed at the end of the shift (after crew transfer was announced), however even then it wasn’t valid-hunting.)
Long version:
Never was this a prioritization of “winning” nor was it valid-hunting? I’ve never made an attempt to chase or find any antags throughout the game? I’ve spend the majority of my time in R&D, making mechs, a spare cyborg and research. The only times I’ve went into maints was when the Rad storm arrived and when I was looking for an airlock to find Mia (more on that later).
My character’s whole plan that round was to make cool mechs and experiment with different equipment available to mechsuits, regardless of combat capability or utility. And before you argue that I’ve only made combat mechs, I’ve made medical an Odysseus before even constructing a durand, and was planning to make a firefighter mech after the Gygax (for bounty, but that idea was scrapped after crew transfer request).
Now the question arises:

Rain, why not play Roboticist then?

At the time and throughout the game, I was the only member of command. My intention when picking HoP (which caused me to become defacto cap, was hoping an actual captain would arrive later on.) was to assist people with access into areas they might need as well as job changes. Since this was a lowpop round, these issues were bound to arise (Paramedic with no access to med supplies/surgery due to lack of personnel, or a person wanting job change/additional access to fill the lack of crew in certain areas). Of course, I wasn’t sitting in HoP line the entire shift, I want to do my own stuff too and quite frankly, sitting there 24/7 isn’t the job of HoP (That’s like saying a botanist should be in botany 24/7). I’ve send out a message on comms that if crew needed me, they can message me on the PDA, and I obviously prioritized that over whatever I was doing.

The only times that I was present in a Durand was upon its construction, transfer to sec for equipment, back to robotics and to bridge for storage (After our altercation, I’ve moved it to robotics charger, where it stayed for the rest of the round). All in all, I’d say I sat in the Durand for ~20 minutes at most? Considering I entered the round late when it was about to hit the 1 hour in mark and the round ended after 3 hours, I don’t see how that is considered camping? In fact, I believe you’ve seen me a plethora of times without a mech.

About using your PDA: I don’t see how that is against the rules? It makes perfect sense to me IC for command to use the PDA of a Syndicate agent to purchase a Syndicate radio implant to eavesdrop on any other potential traitors?

And now the Mia incident: You’re just blatantly wrong there, I didn’t ignore that in the slightest. I was busy trying to find my way back to Captain’s office to acquire the hardsuit, at which point my Byond bugged out and froze for a few seconds. What also didn’t help was that upon being halfway through the way to an airlock, oxygen from a mask I was using before has ran out, so I had to backtrack to EVA for a new tank, combined with my lack of knowledge of where the airlock are (Rarely do I ever play Kilostation) caused me to be late. There was even a player that was on-scene that asked me “What took you so long”, so no, I did not feign ignorance.

Honestly, the only scenario where we can argue I powergamed was when Crew Transfer was announced. Initially, I was going to cryo as round was getting dragged out and I had IRL things to take care of. When CT was announced, I’ve decided to stay until it was over. After learning about the hilarity that is the grenade launcher which spews out a multitude of flashbangs, I’ve decided to equip the newly-constructed Gygax with it for end-round tomfoolery that happens 90% of the time. As for the Energy gun, I thought since an attempt on my life was made, it made sense for me to equip myself with better weaponry (Especially since the altercation began when I was out of the mech, and was getting my ass beat.), however I can see how that could be consider powergaming due to it being blue alert and I’ll trust the admin’s judgement on this one.

As for the clown: Wow. You, uh, took that personally huh?
For the borging, I was half-joking. Initially I asked that in a joking way, but afterwards i asked brig phys if you had committed any capital crimes that warranted that. I guess I can see how you thought I was serious so I’ll try to make those things clear for the future.
As for the mech practice thing, I thought it was pretty clear that it was a joke with the way I constructed my sentence? (“Brig physician are you alive or can I use the clown as Mech target practice?”, something along those lines I can’t exactly remember.). Through those interaction I was trying to play into the “Sec/Command hate clown” trope. So, uh yeah, sorry I hurt your feelings I guess?
(Unimportant sidenote: That borg joined on its own and I didn’t make him or was at all involved with what transpired, so you might want to make a separate report for that, because I have no idea what happened there.)

I want to reiterate: NEVER WAS IT MY INTENTION TO VALID-HUNT OR POWERGAME THROUGHOUT THE SHIFT. I can see how, from your perspectives, you interpreted my actions as Powergaming, however please stop painting me as some bloodthirsty, valid-hunting sweat with violence on his mind, if that we’re the case, I would’ve been banned long ago. No one’s perfect and we all learn stuff everyday, regardless whether you have 10’s or 1000’s of hours in the game or if we’re new to the game or staff members.

Well, that was a lot of rambling. I just want to use this as learning experience so I can hopefully avoid these situations. I probably won’t be replying immediately after posting this (spent ~3 hours writing this and have IRL stuff to take care of), but I just want it to be known I’m not holding grudges about this, and hopefully you guys won’t too.

Okay uhh I want to end this on a light note so uuhhhhhhhhhhhh:

Also about that “kek” thing,
yeah I did that, slip of the tongue lol.

Forgot to mention that the NAD did disappear at one point and vault was broken into but managed to recover it, so I was wary (Didn’t feel important enough to mention it in the Twitlonger)

Hey man , nice essay . Gotta commend you on the domain expansion.I can see that you want to explain your side clearly but writing walls of elaborate text won’t help your case , please try to be more concise.

Besides, you willingly buying and using the syndicate Comms key as an acting captain to learn of syndicate plans is power gaming ,using contraband whilst not on red alert is also arguably valid hunting.

Also could you explain why you made combat mechs for sec where I’m assuming it’s lowpop with you as the only member of command/sec and a greenshift.
(It seems it was not in fact a greenshift)

Hold on , did you make the Gygax SPECIFCALLY for use at the end of the round ?

Really , all I want to know is whether you regret round removing the OP or not.

Yeah , I’m not admin but you’re fucked. I’d take a good read at the rules and robo/sec/command sop if I were you.

Didn’t wanna leave out anything from my side, thought it important to give the whole view.

I think syndicate comms is rather weird situation in this scenario: It both makes sense why I would do that IC but also seems a bit power-gamey. Will have to trust the Admin’s call on this one.

As for mechs: Yeah it was my 2nd-3rd time with mechs, wanted to make all types and see how they worked. Shift was lowpop and on blue with no sec (aside from brig phys who was, defacto, deputized), so i thought that it was ok.

Yeah, Gygax was made for end-round.

Do I regret it? Yeah, OP deserved to be put back into the game according to laws. I just fucked up there.

In general: Yeah, I fucked up.

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No not at all, but when I’m aware you just killed a person and cut their brain out because you screamed it on comms and you rush into security and suggest the same to me while ranting about doing the same to everyone who “betrays the station” I’m gonna assume you meant it.

It is plainly against all SOP and the powergaming rules to purchase something illegal for the purpose of getting an advantage over syndicate agents by having their communications. Just buying the implant makes you guilty of ‘Possession of contraband’, which is decently severe crime. As a head (and sec for future reference), we expect better of you in regards to following SOP.

In this situation, the applicable rules would be:

1.1 (You must roleplay. You’re a professional working for a major corporation. Act like you want to keep your job.)

1.3 (Follow Space Law and the Standard Operating Procedure.)

Making a combat mech with no applicable threat to warrant a combat mech is considered powergaming, as you’re making something for combat with no great IC reason for it. You expressed early into the round that you wanted to do this. I can understand that you didnt make it with the express intention to validhunt, but it didnt help your case that you used it to crit, and then kill (by punching down to -400 health) a traitor in the halls.

Minor, but this is EORG preparation, which is against the rules. Dont do this please.

Overall, what you did here was wrong, and you’ve expressed that you can see that for the most part and intend on learning from this. With that in mind, im going to add this to your record and consider this processed as you dont have a history of this.

Thanks for the report.

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