Quirk tweaks to make them better

I noticed few quirks like being blind or pacafist are so crippeling on there own that its hard to argue to take them even for PR. Maby by giving certain quirky inherently a mechanic to play around there quirk it would be more realistic to take said quirk

Example: Being blind will increase your hearing senses, allowing you to instead see little pings as people walk around you. Or being pacafist gives negative moodlet to other people if they attack you

Fun tweaks to make the quirk more unique and useable so you can actuely play around it instead of just being a cripple


this is an actually good idea

“I feel like such a terrible being, he was unarmed!”

Yet theres a lot of players who pick these quirks

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add dwarf as a quirk

sadly dwarf is unironcly a amazing as of right now(EZ heal, table climbing and gamer sized sprites)

So they would need some counter balances

add a dwarf race 2020

Everyone can agree that we should add more quirks and edit the existing ones.

I suggest we add a quirk which boosts your mood if someone headpats you.

And don’t tell me to code it, it already exists on skyrat and hyper station - I just don’t remember the exact name of the quirk

is there a quirk I can take that will make coders actually code instead of posting pics of their socks on the discord and sassily saying “wyci” to every possible suggestion


Yes, its called headcoder

Id be amazed if you could get this PR’d. That being said maby let being extrovert give moodlets with hugs and pats or something

hey, have you seen the video?

Have you seen “wypi” yet?

It’s when the suggestion is actually good but they are too lazy to port it to Bee

Implying people aren’t just prioritizing things they want with their own volunteer hours lol

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Lmao we should make moodlets actually be a detriment too.

Like if it gets too low you start uncontrollably crying and have panic attacks