Questions about the new council ruling

I still think implant checking is BS. Especially when non security heads and personnel do it, but even when sec does it “just because we arrested him,” it’s BS. They’re high tech, hidden implants designed to evade detection. Having security personnel know about them, without any in game indication, is, in my opinion, idiotic.

I’ll give you the traitor objective one for security, but when non security personnel start screaming over specific items, that gets ridiculous. The CE shouldn’t be screaming traitor over plasma tanks (though he should be telling that nerd to put them back). Though I will give you the RD’s vest, since it’s high tech equipment.

then again, having security personnel know about the existence of syndicate spies is, in my opinion, idiotic on the part of the syndicate

let’s be straight here, it’s assumed any HoS has been briefed by NT on all their enemies, and has perhaps even been present for interrogations and scientific testing

implant checking is, and should remain to be, a viable tactic

I fail to see that one. The difference is that nanotrasen knows about the syndicate’s existence, and by extension, the fact that they use infiltrators, and would brief the security staff. However, they are unlikely to mention a seldom used and subtle item like an implant, meaning the security staff wouldn’t randomly implant check unless they actually SAW said implant in use.

[Common] Syndicate Command says: “t we will send in these syndicate spies to steal very important equipment and eliminate high ranking personnel.”

the thing is that like, more than half the freaking implants you can’t even see them be used

adrenal implant - nah, more like meth dental implant

internal radio implant - how the hell does this even count

uplink implant - could easily be passed off by keeping the menu open as you keep your pda/headset/pen in your pocket or something

storage implant - pockets

implant checking is usually a proactive tactic, not a reactionary one

Adrenal implant is reasonable to check for, since meth doesn’t instantly bring you up, and meth would make you shake, twitch, act like an idiot, and make you run like you’re a wannabe flash.

Freedom implant is obvious.

Stealth implant is by far the most obvious (yet ironically also the least obvious).

I don’t think any one even buys internal radio implant. Not even worth checking for.

Uplink implant is supposed to be basically invisible, which is the point.

Storage implant is also supposed to be basically invisible, unless you literally know he couldn’t have ditched said item.

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exactly, implant checking is a proactive tactic, not a reactionary one

you aren’t supposed to wait for the traitor to emag out of the permabrig with his storage implant in order to implant check him, you implant check the traitor before you permabrig him in order to get the possible problem out of the way beforehand

the thing being that you really only implant check suspected syndicate agents or capital criminals, if you implant check everyone going through the brig, you have different issues at hand

just gonna say that implant checking before instituting a criminal into the brig would likely be common procedure for security given how anyone entering that place should practically be a confirmed antagonist

And I’m saying it should be a reactionary one. The security personnel shouldn’t know every single item traitor item, especially something as stealthy and devious as the syndicate’s stealth implants, unless they actually see it in use.

And if the criminal emags his way out of the brig and waltzes past the warden, he’s either doing something really right, or the warden is doing something really wrong. The warden’s whole job is to check up on prisoners, via suit sensors, cameras, and physically going in to see them.

excuse me but dafuq

that’s the point of security

also, there are multiple maps (in particular, box station and pubby station, the two most common maps on Sage) where there is more than one way to and from the permabrig that isn’t within the view of the brig control office, the interrogation room on box station, and the education room incinerator on pubby station

and just to be sure you heard me

excuse me, but…


Imagine putting the prisoner on the exact end of the brig out of sight of the warden

the issue being that, the reason why the permabrig exists is because leaving the traitor in a 2x3 box until the shuttle comes is kind of disrespectful

it’s not like there aren’t cams in the permabrig

no, i think what he’s saying is that if a traitor were to actually emag out of the permabrig with a storage implant, there’s a good chance that it’ll go unnoticed for a couple minutes until the warden or HoS or some other seccie checks up

this is what im talking about when i say that there’s more than one way to and from the permabrig on box and pubby

If I’m gonna permabrig someone I’m also gonna put a tracking implant on them and probably an electro pack if they do escape they can’t get far
I learned that from a certain warden

The point of security is to keep the peace and arrest lawbreakers, not be all knowing machines. If security was meant to implant check as apart of standard arresting procedure, they would, Oh, I don’t know, start with the equipment necessary to do said implant checks at the beginning of the shift. None of those maps have surgical tools in the brig.

There is no reason to implant check a guy unless you have actual cause for thinking he has an implant, and the only way you would know if he had one is if he used one. So yes, I still think it should be reactionary, not proactive.

Fair enough on multiple ways to walk out, but it’s still the warden failing at his job. Between built in suit sensors, cameras, and literally having the job of walking over to perma to check on prisoners, it’s still his failure.

ok, the fact of the matter is that there is no real reason to try and handicap security by giving them an arbitrary RoE for implant checking someone

and also, the surgery tools spawn in the execution room

The execution room. The room where you’re supposed to involuntarily remove the brain of a victim, should they choose borging as a method of execution, because involuntary borging is crew harm. That’s why they have those tools there. If they were meant for implant checking, they would be in the medical room, where an implant check would take place, not the room that only exists to kill or borg law breakers.

The armory. The room where you’re supposed to hand out guns, should security and the heads call for it, because guns are crew harm. That’s why they have the portable flashers there. If they were meant for security, they would be in the security gear room, where security gear would be, not the room that only exists to hand out guns.

why the fuck do the portable flashers spawn in the armory and not the gear room

if the flashers are meant to be in the armory, why does a good portion of the wardens i come across opt to place them in certain areas of the brig

if the surgery tools are meant for force borging, why is it that when im the HoS i opt to keep them in the infirmary room for implant checking