I found that this step-by-step process provided by the Vasily now results in an eventual delamination and your N2O cooking off, likely due to fastmos. It doesn’t mean it won’t work, however. What needs to happen is you need to establish a safety point where emitters can fire on the SM and the TEG cooling keeps it from generating hot gas. This is how I do it:
Setup your SMES first!
Wrench the N2, N2O canisters to the SM loop. N2O increases heat resistance, and N2 acts as your coolant. Don’t turn on the pump yet.
Wrench the Plasma containers to the TEG cool loop. Replace the pump with a straight pipe, we don’t want plasma getting trapped in the pump. I recommend also grabbing and injecting the plasma container in secure storage. (the chute will take you there!)
Replace the cooling loop pumps with volumetric pumps - ensures that cool gas is moving as quick as possible. TEG requires two separate gas loops, meaning an input and output pump are required. No straight piping the loop!
Top three filters should be taking out waste (Plasma, O2 and CO2), fourth and fifth are to filter out and mix waste gases (or pluox). All need to be turned on to ensure gas movement.
Air Alarm should have vents to internal 0, scrubbers to scrub/expanded, scrubbing N2O, O2, Plasma, H2O and BZ. This will keep ALL gases moving and cold.
Max out and turn on pump connected to N2/N2O.
N2O will appear in the SM chamber and you should start generating power for the first few minutes as the gases are chilled from room temperature through the TEG.
Fire the emitters.
Closely monitor the SM for the next ten minutes to ensure it is “Safe”, no hot gases are accumulating.
Eventually the SM’s waste loop will cool so much so that you’re only making 150~ kW.
Now, 150 kW is good as that’s the default draw, but it’s not enough to feed the SMES comfortably. What you’re going to want to do is start “delaminating” the SM, carefully and methodically. To accomplish this, you’re going to want to stop your coolant from moving into the TEG and getting cold:
Stop scrubbing N2O
Your N2O will begin to heat up as it’s left in the chamber. Note that this will stop the hot loop as there is no pressure moving through, but that’s okay, we’re letting things heat up before putting it through the TEG.
Monitor the SM closely, it will rise in heat and pressure, and if left long enough N2O will cook off to O2. As soon as some heat has been generated, start scrubbing N2O again. It will pull out the hot N2O and cool it, generating 1 mW for a few minutes from 30c gas. Repeat until SMES are full.