Admin’s CKEY:
Ban Type:
Server Ban
Ban Length:
Permanent Ban
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/):
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
30min Account randomly attacking people for absolutely no reason…
Appeal Reason:
completely forgot to appeal this I really just want a second change on this server because this ban was over 3 years ago and uh I was new to the game this was my first server I ever played on ss13 and so I did not know what I was doing and was doing random stuff I have read the rules and would love to be readmitted to the server
Additional Information:
This is Fresh’s ban and i’ll leave him to it
but if im seeing this correctly you will require a vouch from another server
have you played anywhere else in the time since?
As llol has already pointed out, you will need a vouch from another reputable server.
Considering there hasn’t been a response in 18 days I’m going ahead and deny this.
Feel free to open a new appeal once you have said vouch.