Possible self antag on round 51571

In-game report:

CKEY: doktorwueue

Your Discord: wueue

Offender’s CKEY: unknown

Offender’s In-Game Name: not relevant as only spekulation.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2025-02-07

Round Number: 51571

Rules Broken: rule 9 possibly 8?

Incident Description: i was ther eroudnstart and we got the station gimmick thats everyone rodunstart arrives on the arrivals shuttle. Actia the scientist moth was alive on there. thats was the onyl time i saw them 10-15ish minutes intot he rodun i see blood in the explorers meeting room as i was deleviering the nuke they needed for their mission. a bit later on the detetive arrives me calling out the blood and investigates it ( the name was dustin something) and he confirms the blood in the explorer meeting room was actia`s. the blodo trail was leading to the explorer shuttle.
so my main point is i think thats the explorers murdered actia, took their body to a ruin and dusted it there . at roudn end both were not antags. one explorer was named raphael mueller and the other was a lizard whos name i forgot.
i just want this investigated was happend to them ( the moth actia)

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I was observing this round.
Actia ran into an SM shard on the derelict.
It was hilarious.

But not murder.


I handled this in-round. Actia was the bloodbrother of the clown and died pretty early.

They explained that they got dusted by the supermatter themselves in the ticket. Logs do not show anyone with a ckey attacking them.

By their own testimony, this is resolved.