I have no idea who this guy is
.t Cydia
I was the CMO, he was a medical doctor, I got lit up by the mime in Brig with lasers. Mikael probably saw me being hurt and came to help.
Metafriending is against the rules if you are only doing something because you are metafriends because that is metagaming.
Taking action against another player based on events your current character couldn’t know about, or that occurred in a different round, is called meta-grudging and is against the rules as well.
This includes positive actions.
However it’s also very hard to prove that someone was only doing something because they are meta-friends and not just because, so it’s not very common to catch someone for this unless they say they are doing it or do it to an extreme.
There was a shitter that round who rushed armoury on no sec as a non-antag. They got handled, alls well though the armoury was gaping open.
Then a little later Mime was in the armoury, but left. After that, came back with a cyborg they emagged, stole from HoS locker and armoury too. Then captain fought them. Killed the cap once, but CMO (Cydia Lamiales) saved them. Mime was still at large, their borg got resynced to ai (twice). Mikale or whoever the meddoc was called helped the CMO recover the cap’s corpse in brig.
AI (me) called the shuttle.
After this, mime went to the bridge to do whatever and cap followed. They began fighting, captain died, mime recalled. AI locked the whole bridge up and prevented the mime to recall again. Then CMO and meddoc, as well as other onlookers came up to the bridge from kilo teleporter room to fight the mime and recover the captain. CMO was bested, meddoc helped them, in the end the Mime menace (Spades Slick) was got got.
This happened all on a 17 pop shift. If the doc didnt help, nobody else would have as half the station was either tot or dead.
in the end yeah it was just some salt as people usually help eachother out way more durin lowpop
durin any crime there always a gang of spectators watchin it unfold and sometimes get involved
Hello im Mikael Mines i was the doc, i dont know Cydia we just had the same Department. I remember this round Mime fukken killed everyone and i helped captain and cmo, because they got killed or crited from mime while they fought in brigg. We didnt metafriend we just sticked togheter as a team against the Mime. Cydia did nothing wrong ,neither did i neither did the captain or anyone else i saw. I want to add people misunderstand good Teamplay and a crew sticking togheter as Metafriending, observers should have seen that i helped everyone not just the CMO only
Yes since we were short staffed, we had to stick togheter, mime brought pure chaos, i just did my job and save people. Espacially the CMO who is my direct Advisor. Was a good Shift in the end we did well.
We’ve looked into the logs and also talked to Whilson directly. Overall the evidence posted in this report is just not enough to prove any form of metabonding.
This single line in deadchat describes something that happened in round. Otherwise there was no real say log that indicated some form of special relationship.
We take metagang/friend accusations of admins very seriously. Considering an admin has to be impartial and unbiased when dealing with players.
I don’t believe there was any form of metaganging or metafriending at play here though.