Possible griefer(s) Vanghan and unknown

In-game report:

CKEY: PeanutJuice

Your Discord: basedglitchwitch

Offender’s CKEY: Vanghan and unknown

Offender’s In-Game Name: John Adamantine and unknown

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2025-01-16

Round Number: 51339

Rules Broken: I’m not sure

Incident Description: I’m not 100% sure what rules were broken, I just figured I’d report it just in case.

Incident 1: John Adamantine was throwing and blowing up exploding lemons all over the station, seemingly not at any targets. He blew up multiple empty departments and hallways on echo leading to multiple injuries and broken limbs not on his targets.

Incident 2: Someone planted a syndicate bomb on the shuttle, it exploded 1 second after shuttle got to CC so not sure if griff or intentional funny but eh thats what reports are for :slight_smile:

Additional Information: John could’ve been trying to get his targets but the explosions all over the station and in empty departments led me to believe otherwise, hence the report.

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The chaplain who placed the syndie bomb is weedspagon.
From my POV, none of these two players are griefers, John probably simply didn’t think it through, and as it turned out weedspagon was not aware of eorg prep rule until we mentioned it. (yes, the bomb timer was set to go off AFTER the shuttle arrived to CC)

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Vanghan was trying to get his targets through walls and later using bombs to defend himself from one of his targets chasing him.

Weedspagon on the other hand was a traitor too, but as far as I can tell did not antagonise anyone once until buying a syndicate bomb to blow up after EORG. I spoke to them about this.

Thanks for the report.

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