Poll: How do you feel about new crate/locker sprites

I’d say i like them except the Lethal ammo locker and that the general sec ones might need extra red, besides that they’re cool! Pigeon’s already working on the sec-lockers

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(whoops fluked with the wrong color palette :mothdonk:)

New security and biological lockers, now with hard edges.

The lethal ammo one was supposed to be the one in the screen above with the white sprite (as even in dmi, it’s named armory) however, the tac locker apparently is used for ammos, which is fine but also ruins the whole ordeal since i wanted it to be similar to the ammo and weapons crate.

Tendril honestly was more in WIP if anything, since getting it right was a bit of a hassle, if anything it needs more rust and grime which i should do later; The mulebot had to get some sacrifices to it, since i did a fuckload of designs for it but they would either hide the maintenance panel or look like they wouldn’t work out really.

Those two were an odd pick, because i wanted for the freezer to make it look like those cooler you bring to your car, and for the bin give them a more industrial look rather than a future one. So essentially, i made them mode industrial overall.

The cost of perspective.

While the whole ordeal regarding GAGs is still raging, i’d like to keep away from that untill that’s settled, but it’s a good idea regardless.


In order from top to bottom is: Officer-HoS-Lethal ammo locker then? Huh i thought warden had an unique one, in fact i thought the white one was Warden’s lol

The green L4 locker is where the bombsuit goes correct?

Very fan of these changes!, i think with the mix of lights and bloom that we have, having a very bright red (like the pre-changes) might make it too out of place given the palette of most lockers and tiles that we’re going for

Would need to see how the would look like on a round but them now having a hard edge makes them way better

Edit: i guess you’ll also be fixing the armory locker to be the white one for lethal ammo?

Actually, it’s Officer-Warden-Lethal/Guns, the HoS one is this one:


Also the L4 locker is the bombsuit one yeah, i wanted to somewhat standardize the hazard levels for lockers as follows:

  • L1 - radiations
  • L2 - Kinetic (unused)
  • L3 - Biological
  • L4 - Everything really

and really, the bombsuit somewhat insulate you from everything. Correction, I need to update that to L2 since in game it covers only explosive damage rather well (and for some reason, not bullets?)

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quick fact while on subject of bombsuit
it offers about 80% chance of blocking an artifact’s effect on the wearer, compared to guaranteed protection of rd’s hardsuit (not sure about exact numbers, normally I’d back this with code but currently that is unavailable to me)
I wonder how the bombsuit and rd’s hardsuit deal with bioscrambler anomaly, because contrary to recommendations, biosuit does not provide immunity to it (in fact, given its clunkiness, you have a better chance with a hit and run)

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A scientist that doesn’t test the artifacts with their own face? Can you imagine it? How disgusting.


I think the final verdict was that “endless possibilities” with gags on an item was a no boeno. But having a lot of variants of an item (not endless) was cool and hip

For mapping. So it could be standardized or it couldn’t. Would be cool for everyone in-character too. Especially if you could fake Security crates.

They’re very clean and look modern

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