Pls pls pls gamer

**CKEY:**Phobe Stall

**Admin’s CKEY:**ro5490

**Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:**it is for both

**Which server did the ban happen on?**LRP

**Ban Type:**server

**Ban Length:**61 days

**Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):**3/29/2020

**Round ID:**12499

**Ban Reason:**2 Month Global Ban - Self antag and over-escalation - Broke into the brig and armory using a fire axe near roundstart, destroyed armsky, broke the contraband locker, then tried to kill the detecive with a fire axe for trying to stop them. - Previous auth given for any further self antag and grief as shown on watchlist, Appeal on the forums. - Auth Kasual.

**Appeal Reason:**So 61 days for breaking into armory and hitting someone with a fireaxe not even killing them mind you on LRP low pop at like IDEK I think it was pretty late and I just wanted to explore space. I think ro5490 has some kind of grudge against me or something because he seems to take most of my cases and never listens to me even if it is something as small as this and I get a 61 day ban. Now I’m not trying to bring anything up but earlier this week an admin legit tried to murder someone for no reason and lied in Ahelps and they don’t even get demoted or banned or nothing, though admins are supposed to keep a higher standard then most players right? But because I attacked someone with a fucking fireaxe like twice I get a 61 day ban and the detective killed me and that is OK because I attacked them but it was all done.

**Additional Information:**And I know I already made an appeal for this ban but it has been like 27 days and There is only like 2 weeks left on the 2 months fucking ban and I just wanna play clown again gamers I hate CM and Desert Rose I have to keep killing ERPers to have fun SMH help a fellow broski homski out y’know?

2 weeks isn’t that much. Wait it out. Janitors will probably hate you less if you just let it ride out.

I guess you are right but I’ve already been waiting like 2 months and I feel like this ban is unreasonably long.

I’d be up for an unban for the duration served if you promise not to repeat such actions.

Problem is their last offense was also probable met with “promise you won’t do it again” hence the thin ice note.

Reason I am considering lifting it is that it’s almost 2 months served, the banning Admin is currently taking a break so he is not around to take his own appeal.

If this ban is lifted and they do repeat the same offence or similar the punishment will be worse.

If I do repeat these offences please permaban my ass I just wanna play gamer

Going to go ahead and accept and close the ban appeal.

Appeal accepted.