Right now it’s just “First name is any celestial body or name that sounds like one, Last name is two capital letters.”
This is literally just a shitty plasmeme rip-off. Ethereals are so dang much better than plasmids by a million times, so to chain us to their naming convention is stupid.
Plus, last names are good. They let directly address someone without giving them the respect of saying their first name (like as a boss or drill seargeant) or if you’re addressing a higher up, which helps with roleplay. Also why does it have to be just stars/planets? What about Constellations like Orion? What about famous astronomers like Hubble or Messier? Also real stars don’t even always have the letters after the name either. UY Scuti, VY Canis Majoris, etc. I like ethereals but I don’t wanna get bwoinked for being named “Orion Kuiper” or “Aldebaran Hubble”, or “Perseus Messier”.
it just occurred to me that you could name yourself Scuti Bootes but I don’t see this as a problem, especially considering there are people named “Smilly Jimtim” and “Adolf (literally anything else)”
Ethereals aren’t one of the ones I had to improvise a naming policy for - they are a species that actually had a solid naming convention already. So… no this species isn’t one that was intended to be up for debate. I’m not wholly against the idea though.
I’m really just the one that’s willing to put my face on stuff and take all the hate for it. Naming policy guidlines were first posted in admin forum on May 21st and was sent it to the council on June 18th. That said, there’s only a general agreement on enforcing the naming policy strictly - at least a couple want a grandfathering system that has been turned down for the sake of consistency.
Also not sure where you got “planets and stars only” this is quoted directly from the guide (not wiki, haven’t updated wiki yet - still waiting on feedback such as this thread)
Well the majority of rules are enforced as written, and to me, a “celestial body” is just things like stars and moons and planets and asteroids and comets etc. so that’s why I said it
Right now it is being enforced as-is, but that doesn’t mean it’s not open to changes. If players have a good naming scheme to add to it I’m not against modifying/amending the policy to suit that.
I’m only against making player-specific exceptions to the policy.