Player Report: Calvin Mosser for self-antaging

In-game report: Calvin Self-antag

CKEY: Samurkai

Your Discord: Samurkai

Offender’s CKEY: Weedspagon I believe

Offender’s In-Game Name: Calvin Mosser

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 1/6/2025

Round Number: 51229

Rules Broken: Self-Antag

Incident Description: I was the Chaplin and over the round I was bothered by Calvin for being a heretic and not following the christen God in game and at some point put out my religious fire which I just relit and they punched, then I backed off from them and they attacked me again with just fist so I took them down and put them out and took them right to med.

Additional Information:

Records likely clarify, but I believe Weedspagon* played the bartender that round.


I’m working rn, I’ll probably get to logdiving tonight, but if weedspagon is awake to give testimony that’d be sick

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I have no clue who plays Calvin, I play Amy Moon, Stardust and most recently Breathes-The-Flame. Classic mistaken identity though i have no idea how they thought it was me


ok thought it was you sorry.