First of all, english is not my first language. You will probably find some errors here
Your CKEY: pixelman77
Your Discord: pixelman#7720
How long have you been playing ss13?: about 2 months. 138 hours on bee and about 20 on other servers. I mostly play bee. (My account is 1 year old because I tried to play goon back in the day but didn’t understand shit)
Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: my character is the green haired saul parker. So if anyone knows him they might vouch (although i feel mentioning this name will end up againts me
Game Experience (More Detailed): I am not that experienced, but im a fast learner. Although I have problem with recipes (making chemicals and foods or making robots step by step) im not sure if it is only me who is troubled with this. Because i never see people taking a guide book
Medical: im not a bad doctor, I know how to handle surgeries and how to make a good (deadly) virus. I can do genetics as well but I find it boring. And for chemistry, as I said I have problem with recipes and I mostly look at wiki for chemicals.
Science: I don’t play science much. I do some robotics. For the rest I know how they work but I don’t play them.
Engineering: I can setup SM and even do some custom loops on it(not the singulo or tesla. Because I never played in a round that doesn’t have SM inside) And i know about fixing things or making more rooms. I can even fix tcomms, if it is not completly gone to shit( in that case, wiki time). I don’t do atmo much but im not bad at it.
I can do some hacking aswell
Shitcurity: I’ve done a couple of shit here ( once the station really went to SHIT) but im not a complete shitsec. Although I’m not robust at fighting (mostly because of lag and the fact that I rarely get into fights) I consider my self to be a good member for the sec team. I understand the space law and people mostly think that my sentence for the criminal is fair (of you don’t count the criminal). I always listen to both sides of the story instead of arresting the clown just because CMO told me to.
Cargo: I don’t play cargo tech or QM roles much because i don’t enjoy them but I can do the job. For the miner im good at the mining part but don’t talk about dealing with fauna.
Service: I don’t play bartender much and therefore I don’t know It’s recipes. I can do well on the job if I get a look at the wiki though. I do chef far better than bartender ( even without knowing the recipes). I did botanist a couple of times, but I did basic stuff, not making ambroisa gaia and those kinda shit.
Silicon: well, playing borgs is mostly the same as being a human of that department. I enjoy playing borgs, and I follow the laws and I can find loopholes in them. AI? i played once or twice and I will never go back there.
Im still kinda new. I mostly look at wiki for my problems instead of mhelping and now I can find information on wiki very fast. It may be too soon for me to become a mentor but I feel like I have to give it a try, because i’ve seen people with same experience as me get approved here. Im very helpful toward people ( once i wasted my round as a ling to teach a new player about controls)
Well, thats it.