[Pixelman77] small event

I ahealed her to then announce the crew that she is sent by us (crew ignored my annoucment) then wanted to send her back through pod (guy keeps pulling her when I send pod) all this while she had orders to not harm anyone, even the ones who lethaly attacked her.
Then I send her back to make her ERT sec this time and this is the time that shuttle goes boom.

I understand. But why would you act in any way to save her in the first place? As I said, this is a minor issue in my view, but it would be better to let the scenario to play out and react to its conclusion.

What I am trying to say is not an affront to you but a feedback on what would be a better, more fun way to involve yourself from my perspective as a player.

Though considering the shuttle was coming there wasn’t much fun you could do at that point actually.

Also, the fact Kate started blasting is on her, not on you. Shooting destructo beams on the shuttle is a dick move.

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This was looked into and handled a bit ago now, but I forgot to return to post in and lock the thread up. Pixel acted in a bit of a panic, but the issue shouldn’t repeat itself now. CC officials of all varieties are not any more allowed to receive favorable adminbus than other players are: Officials, ERT and even Deathsquads can still lose if they’re up against a strong/robust enough force, and this is intended gameplay.

Thanks for the report @Rjumbochka