Pixelman tries to run a non shitty event

The rules for this event are just too complicated to be explained in a pre round OOC chat. Here we go:

After the war bitween narsie and ratvar led to the fall of ratvar, Godhood Inc lost a good amount of followers and employees ( let alone losing ratvar) they are currently looking for new employees, what place better to recruit some then ss13…

at the start of the round, a method of ritual will be announced ( example: the ritual must be done while wearing cap’s crown and warden’s gloves and while wielding a fire axe, you must find an alive person and sacrifice them on a pentagram using the fire axe)
The ones who wish to do the ritual ( from now on refered to as ascendances) must find the items that are required for the ritual and perform it.

You can team up with other people, but at the end you must get rid of your teammates because only one person will ascend.

during this event, everyone are allowed to non lethaly search others. Shove and cuff? Allowed. Disabler then put sleep gas on? Allowed. Toolbox to head then strip? UHHH.
If 20 mins passes without anyone finding a ritual item, the place of all ritual items will be announced.

Everyone are allowed to try and contact NT during this time, captian and sec are still allowed to secure the items for the good of the station (just watch for the backstabbing guy who says “yeah i’ll hide this items” but you find them 5 min later performing the ritual)
Shuttle can be called after 30 mins into the round, shuttle pingpong should be avoided.

The person who is doing the ritual must inform the admins of the ritual (via ahelp or pray, ahelp is recommended since all ahelps have voice)

If the ascendance who is performing the ritual was a chad and collected all the items stealthy and most of the crew were alive, the ritual will take place stealthy aswell. Unless someone finds you and well…

If more than half of the crew are dead, the place of ritual will be announced and a count down will begin. The ascendance performing the ritual must keep all the ritual items until the count down ends. Only the place is announced and not your name, you can cancel the ritual fast and set a death trap for the ascendances who are coming. And you can continue the ritual later.

Ascendances who are trying to distrupt the ritual must remove one of the conditions, like:
Killing the one performing the ritual (obviously)
Taking the sacrifice away
Cleaning ritual drawings
Striping the guy of ritual items

If you have a ritual item on you or you are protecting it, you are valid to ascendances who want the item or sees you carrying it.

The act of random search (mentioned above) makes you valid to anyone who witnesses the act, but they become valid to you aswell if they try to kill you or lethally fight back after being searched. You can’t kill people who you searched unless they had one of above conditions ( things like trying to disable and cuff you makes them valid aswell since they may kill you after that, but things like shove and run does not)

If you have a ritual item on you and it is announced that you have the item, you are valid to everyone.

Some more random rules:

-no prayers are answered ( with the expection of the one that says im doing the ritual but that has the risk of getting missed)
-Plasmaflooding is not allowed, however, opening 1 canister in hallway is fine.
-silicon are still required to follow their laws.

Thats it for now folks, feedbacks are welcome. The fime and the place of this will be announced later.

TL;DR: crew kill each other for certain items and run ritual with it

where is the tldr pixelhoe

Sounds like a normal round on lrp
How do you balance the fight between the unrobust and robust ascendants?
What if everyone joins as sec and the ascendants have no chance at stealing anything because all sec have a mech and 3 eguns in their backpack

“Balance?” :flushed:

I will probably ask people before round to pick a role for the event + sec no greentext

How do you stop people robust as owen from steamrolling all ascendants/sec/heads

I can do several things:
Give ascendances items if cap and sec are robust and are actively tring to be part of the event
Give AI laws to help ascendances
Prevent such people to get head or sec role by asking them to set roles before round start ( if you cap you gib)

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sounds shit im in


can we just have ravatar back


Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?

Also yes bring daddy ratvar back to apply the daily clock and ball torture

can a non-admin suggest a gamemode bc I have a few ideas on how to bring back clockwork cult