Piterskiy admin application

Your CKEY (Including any alts you have):

Your Discord Name (Including any alts you have):

How often are you online to play/admin? (Timezone):
when i have free time(it can be completely random, but usually at evening), GMT +3

What changes, if any, would you bring?:
i don’t it’s part of what they’re supposed to do, so none.

How old are you?:

Why do you want to be an admin?:
to help keep server clean and interacting with the station if the situation allows it

How long have you been playing SS13?:
more than a year

How long have you been playing BeeStation?:
more than 6 months

On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you in SS13?:

On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you as an admin?:

Have you ever been an admin on another server? This is not limited to SS13:
yes, but i don’t think it’s worth mentioning.

Do you have any alternate accounts on SS13? If so, could you provide their CKEY?:

Your strengths:
im usually calm, im often not affected by “herd instinct”, so i can stop someone else from doing dumb shit, etc.

Your weaknesses:
rarely overreacting to different events/situations. from the last time i learned that im sometimes too forgiving or harsh while handling tickets.

Is there anything that gets you really mad, real fast?:
cant think of anything right now, but i think it’s going to be trying to do/achieve something but keep failing

What do you think is the most important trait for a staff member to have?:
being calm and (at least try to) not having any bias

What makes a staff team good?:
a communicative and friendly team is a good team

What is a staff team’s purpose?:
keep server clean and make rounds actually fun to play

What kind of player are you?:
the one who pushes the game to its limits

How do you think you will change once you become a staff member?:
i dont think i will change in any way

The clown slips the HoS and steals his gun, spacing it right after. What do you do?:
stealing traitor objective items without any reason is self-antag. note unless repeated offense.

A non-antagonist is sabotaging the Atmospherics loop and pumping plasma into the distro, along with dragging around a canister and releasing it into the atmosphere. Assuming that another admin is cleaning up the after-effects, how do you conduct the ahelp with him?:
permaban straight away

A chemist who is working alone accidentally mixes an explosive mixture inside of his chem dispenser, instantly killing himself and destroying the machine, along with exposing Chemistry to space. Nobody else was injured aside from him as a result of his actions. What do you do?:
i would do nothing

i was told by kasual that i can come back any time without applying, but since he resigned soon afterwards i think that’s no longer possible, so here im.


+1, I think it’s obvious why

+1, was an admin before.

Although IMO you’re a wee bit harsh on the cluwne question.
Cluwne needs to cluwne.

Do I really need to explain my reason now

What Kasual said stands - Application accepted.