Petition to change lobby music to classic themes

Changing them to these:

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I only like flip flap out of these… BUT IT IS THE BEST

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i wouldnt mind if all of these got added and the new music still stayed


Title 3 the only good one there.
Edit: nevermind I don’t like it

Bruh bruh bruh how can one not like the first one. Its exactly the type of music to listen to whilst yelling shitty things into ooc


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Yeah, that’d be nice.

what about title2 and clown.wmv those are awesome

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Endless space is the only good ss13 music

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Space ambience music is the best


That too.


Naw, what made me come to beestation was the unique songs; and I liked pretty much all of them. Those songs are good too, but I feel like beestation gets that extra layer of personality from having the current songs.

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Why your url link is “”

its a thing called url shortener, it does nothing but makes the url a teensy bit shorter

would be nice if bee station would rotate all songs here instead of this one fucking song i hear each time i join.

Well i disabled it long time ago cus its shit…

edit; i liked the bee station lobby song first time but 100000 times later it started to giv me physical pain when i heard it

We should just get a wider array of lobby music in general. Getting in some classic ss13 music would be a nice first step.

We need more songs though, I’m sure we’re all tired of hearing our current repertoire of like 5 songs repeated for the nth time.

Totally agree, but beestations unique character doesn’t seem to matter much to people anymore

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It does, it just doesn’t get talked about it anymore because it’s somewhat taken for granted now, which it is because it’s been around for a long time. I love Beestation’s character, and wouldn’t want to have it changed too much!