In-game report:
[PeanutJuice and chaplain]
CKEY: Zloduy
Your Discord:makmillanzloduy
Offender’s CKEY:Peanutjuice (Dont know the chaplains Ckey)
Offender’s In-Game Name: PENUT, (Dont remember chaplains name)
Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024.12.12
Round Number: 50947
Rules Broken: №2 (Validhunt)
Incident Description: I became a first time heretic, and while doing my plans for a long time, I started approaching my first sacrifice, but it was happening at med, and also the officer came to the murder scene, while coming back for the body of my sacrifice objective, the greatest syndie doctor started defending the body, and while i was running away, the doctor was following me to shoot me down with a stechkin, yet i managed to down him, we are facing the crewsimov peacekeeper borg who started pacifying me, and while i was running away, borg came with a chaplain, and I became a target of them both, peacekeeper helped chaplain to kill me (And yet chaplain was not self defending himself, neither i was defending myself)
After the round end I discovered, that I wasnt the kill objective of a doctor PENUT…
Chatlogs have wiped so here is the roundend window
Additional Information: Im not 100% sure, but its really possible that they broke a rule