Peanutjuice and unknown chaplains ckey player report

In-game report:

[PeanutJuice and chaplain]

CKEY: Zloduy

Your Discord:makmillanzloduy

Offender’s CKEY:Peanutjuice (Dont know the chaplains Ckey)

Offender’s In-Game Name: PENUT, (Dont remember chaplains name)

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024.12.12

Round Number: 50947

Rules Broken: №2 (Validhunt)

Incident Description: I became a first time heretic, and while doing my plans for a long time, I started approaching my first sacrifice, but it was happening at med, and also the officer came to the murder scene, while coming back for the body of my sacrifice objective, the greatest syndie doctor started defending the body, and while i was running away, the doctor was following me to shoot me down with a stechkin, yet i managed to down him, we are facing the crewsimov peacekeeper borg who started pacifying me, and while i was running away, borg came with a chaplain, and I became a target of them both, peacekeeper helped chaplain to kill me (And yet chaplain was not self defending himself, neither i was defending myself)
After the round end I discovered, that I wasnt the kill objective of a doctor PENUT…
Chatlogs have wiped so here is the roundend window

Additional Information: Im not 100% sure, but its really possible that they broke a rule

Howdy, Officer Brooks Here 𐚁

So let me get this rodeo started like any proper one should, with a midget and a horse. Now, i aint got neither, so lets replace that there them things with a short story that hopefully gets where it needs to be.

I, Marshy Brooks was the officer aforementioned, and feel that I can provide some gon insight as to what transpired:

Now, could be reading that there testimony wrongly, but if im thinking of the right part here let me say. I heard them reports of a Amelia gettin taken and I was mad like a mule chewin on a box of bee’s. Runnin on down there, you threw that kind doctor, your target at me. Grabbin my gun, and runnin off with it. Chased yall down, and we ended things then and then, but was just me and you. The doctor, Amelia, and PENUT who was there, went into medical rather then aidin in the fight which gon took me out. At this point, there aint a single officer round, command, and AI both went cryo, and the detective, bless their heart was SSD. Using some kind of voodoo magic i must’ve been watchin as a ghost, some medical group doin their work, when you came slidin on under the flaps, actin like a bull in a china shop. 𓃓

This point crew knew i was deader then a doornob :skull_and_crossbones:︎︎, and that you gon done it, murder was obvious nough but you had been openly set to arrest, with multiple attempts for about an hours in that point. It was about this point where the Chaplain, started duelin yerself. Going for some fights in the hall, with the borg not actually doin nothin, i remember thinking that robot was as cowardice as a moth. Though, they did end up helpin beat you down, with the aid of the Chaplain in cargo where you died.

By my reckonin, aint no sec around, and the murderer, causin chaos and tryin to go for a murder, if theres a better time for vigilatine justice that’d be quite the sight. First law of that there robot was to not allow harm through inaction, and you were beatin the right shite out of the chaplain, he was you too, but chaplain aint murder no one at that point.

Look, i aint no sheriff, no judge or fancy big town lawyer, aint even no administator of these here legal disputes, but far as i reckon, and that aint far, if a criminals gon be showcasin their might, they should be prepared for a fight (ง︡’-'︠)ง !!◟(•̀д•́◟ )

⋆⋆⋆ 𓃗 Brooks out ℧ ⋆⋆⋆


Since you were cult and sacrificing people, and this was public knowledge, I considered killing you self defense in a way. Idk if that’s against the rules but that was at least my logic. I apologize if this was incorrect of me to do.

Silicon cannot cause harm to prevent future harm “Reducing the amount of immediate harm that will occur takes priority over preventing greater future harm.”

As a side note zloduy described this round to me in a discord and taking into consideration his imperfect english and some of details not mentioned, I encouraged them to make player report for admins to look at it, being aware I’m not 100% sure if someone did indeed break rules, but with enough going in this round that admin could look at it.
My intention being not to punish anyone, but to clarify or remind players some of the rules they might not remember and to improve overall gameplay experience for everyone.


Pursuit: If you pursue someone that is attempting to escape a conflict, even if they are the aggressor, you become the aggressor and may no longer escalate. Use reasonable self-defense, but once your attacker is repelled it is no longer self-defense. The captain and identifiable members of security are never classified as aggressors by this clause - it is their literal job to protect the station even if the perpetrator flees the scene.

Aggressor: The person who initiated conflict. The aggressor may not escalate conflict to the next level, however they may stand their ground and match the force used against them.

Defender: The person who has had conflict initiated with them. Defenders may use a level of force one step above what an aggressor has used. This also allows the aggressor to match your force, so don’t bring a knife to a gun fight.

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I was a heretic, not a cultist

that’s on me for not being too familiar with the difference

See this is where it gets opiniontive, but id say, that given how long the robot was watching, till eventually if i recall, the chap was downed, and still being beat. At that point, when you have a known murderer, attempting to kill other crew, currently beating up the sole vigilante, the easiest route, to prevent harm, would be nonlethal options.

Which is what i assume the Borg used on the heretic, though they succumbed to wounds from the chap, which they im pretty sure purposely took their last breath and went soulless seeing the situation, which is more on them then the fault of the assaulting parties.

That said, im not here particularly to argue round events, Silicon Laws, or interpretations of, as mine very much could be wrong, I don’t play alot of ai among other things. And simply wanted to bring up my perspective on the round and situation, having been in it and watched the confrontation in question.
Reports like this should always be brought up and I don’t mean to be dismissive of it if that’s how i come off, if there’s ever concern its good to have it alleviated by staff, as their judgment is the truth. And if they say something bad happened, it did, its not the same in regards to our thoughts and feelings on it. Regardless, I appreciate your encouragement to make this report, ~drama~ is always nice to see, as well as your excerpt about silicon harm, its a nice reminder to have displayed in a relevant discussion.

That all said i don’t believe i have much more to add here, so ill simply leave it at

Message edited by Ruko to remove massive ASCII art

I’ll just throw my own observations in, since I was involved.

I (Amelia) was walking past botany when I got attacked by Dan with a blade. I screamed for help and ran up to medbay, where I fell into my first crit. Marshy ran down from above, got hit by my thrown (by Dan) body, and continued the fight. I was dragged to medbay (I think by PENUT) where I was treated for my bruising. Once I was up again, Marshy’s dead, soulless body was dragged into medical where everyone else is. Dan came into medical soon after for a second round, and I was knocked into hardcrit. From what I could see, the chaplain just barely saved me from death by attacking Dan (using a chainsaw?). I was healed from crit again and later saw Dan’s soulless body dragged into medbay.

What most of the crew knew (including PENUT and the chaplain) is that there was no security (Marshy was the only one and had just died), no command, and no AI. Given the fact that there’s no one there to protect the crew, surely they’re allowed to protect each other from certain death using something other than shoves? Especially when the attacker has been confirmed to be a murderer and heretic.

Now, Dan died a distance away from the crime scene, so if someone did chase him down after he fled to kill him, then that would be validhunting. However, I think all the combat done in the medbay was fair and IC.

As for Silicon Laws, why are these being brought up? There aren’t any cyborgs mentioned in the reported players list. PENUT is an IPC, and they’re not bound to Silicon Policy (I’m pretty sure).

In conclusion, defense of fellow crew with a weapon seems fair to me if there is nobody on shift that is qualified to protect. If Dan was chased down after the attempted murder, then that’s validhunting for the attackers involved. Given your testimony, it sounds like only the chaplain and borg are at fault, not PENUT.

Heretic enters medical, attacks patient, mansus grasps doctor, takes patient out of medical.

Doctor buys a stechkin walks out of medical and shoots at heretic, missing some as heretic says ‘nice aim’ and then kills the doctor.

By the time the fight happens, two of the three officers have cryo’d and the third just died beforehand.

The borg uses its pacifying hypospray on you about when you fight PENUT which is questionable in the moment but just seconds before you’ve attacked like two other humans so I think that is reasonable enough because you’re pretty much on a spree at this point.

After this, the chaplain tries to stop you which is fair game considering there is no security or command present.

All in all I consider this IC, I do however have some parting words for the people in this thread.


Please for the love of god never respond to a report IC again it gave me an aneurysm


I don’t mean to be rude, but your opinion doesn’t matter here. If you want to make judgements on player reports you should apply to the admin team, if not then all you need to post are the facts of the round.