Paperwork Copy Pasta

Paperwork Copy Pasta

I put it into the antagonist category because it is antagonizing by its very nature! Mostly making this so there can be a sort of organized collection of pre-made paper work for everyone to use and or contribute to.

Post in the comments if you wish to have a paperwork copy pasta included here. Do include a picture of it if you are able to.

Traveling Implant Surgery by Ambiic

The only actually handy paper in this list. Allows you to hand them out and let people decide instead of having 3 people dig through your storage like a bunch of rats in a dumpster.

# Traveling Implant Surgery
Please indicate your selections by checking the boxes corresponding to the desired implants, organs, or parts.
Patient: [____________________]

## Implants
[_] Breathing Tube
[_] Nutriment Pump Plus
[_] Reviver

Choose one
[_] Luminescent Eyes
[_] Welding Shielded Eyes 

Choose one
[_] Diagnostic HUD
[_] Medical HUD
[_] Security HUD

Choose two
[_] Botanical Arm
[_] Janitorial Arm
[_] Surgical Arm
[_] Toolset Arm

## Cybernetic
[_] Wingpack
[_] Heart
[_] Liver
[_] Lungs
[_] Stomach

## Robotic Limbs
[_] Head
[_] Torso
[_] Left Arm
[_] Left Leg
[_] Right Arm
[_] Right Leg

###### By selecting any implants, organs, or parts, you acknowledge that all choices are made voluntarily and with full understanding of the potential risks and benefits associated with each option. You also agree to comply with all relevant medical guidelines and protocols throughout the procedure.
Borgingfication by Ambiic

Permission from the patient to be turned into a borg.



I, [____________________], hereby grant my express and irrevocable consent for the removal, extraction and utilization of my brain from my physical body. I further authorize the subsequent insertion and integration of my brain into a Man-Machine Interface, thereby transforming me into a cybernetic entity, hereinafter referred to as a “Cyborg.” As such, I acknowledge and agree that I will be permanently bound to serve NT and its affiliates, subsidiaries and designated allies, in perpetuity, and to act solely in the furtherance of their interests and objectives. This consent is granted voluntarily, with full understanding of its implications, and is to remain in force for all time without limitation or revocation.

Patient: []
Surgeon: [

The process of Borgification is hereby declared final, conclusive, and irreversible. Upon completion, no appeals, challenges, or remands of any kind shall be permitted or entertained under any circumstances. All parties involved acknowledge and accept that Borgification is a permanent transformation, and no legal or equitable relief shall be available to alter, reverse, or nullify its effects.
Combat Mech Permission by Ambiic

To request permission from the Captain or Head of Security to make one or more combat mechs. As if anyone does this but me.


# Combat Mech Permission
I hereby formally request authorization for the construction and subsequent delivery of a combat mech, designed and equipped to meet the specified operational requirements. Upon completion, the mech shall be delivered to the designated recipient, whose information is provided herein. All necessary approvals, safety certifications and compliance with applicable laws, regulations and standards are acknowledged and accepted as preconditions for the fulfillment of this request.

Roboticist: [____________________]
Recipient: [____________________]
Mech:  [____________________]
Amount: [_____]
## Head of Security.......Captain
**Signature here**
**Stamp here**
Clown Mech Permission by Ambiic

To request permission from the Captain and Research Director to make a H.O.N.K mech. Because y’all definitely do that.


# Clown Mech Permission
I hereby formally request authorization for the construction and subsequent delivery of one (1) H.O.N.K mech, designed and equipped to meet the specified operational requirements. Upon completion, the mech shall be delivered to the designated recipient, whose information is provided herein. All necessary approvals, safety certifications and compliance with applicable laws, regulations and standards are not acknowledged and accepted as preconditions for the fulfillment of this request.

Roboticist: [____________________]
Recipient: [____________________]

## Captain.....................Research Director
**Signature here**
**Stamp here**
###### All warrants are null and voided.
Warrant by Ambiic

To conduct a legal search on green alert. Requires permission from only one.


# Warrant
Security Officers enforcement, under a valid search warrant, are to conduct a search of the premises and person in connection with the investigation of the suspect. The search will be executed lawfully, and items relevant to the investigation will be seized as specified in the warrant.
Suspect: [____________________]
Reason for search
Area of search

## Head of Security.......Warden
**Signature here**
**Stamp here**
Treatment Request by Ambiic

To annoy the bleeding to death patients. Change the fine print to say something more grim. lol


# Treatment Request
Patient: [____________________]

## External Wounds

# Internal Wounds

###### By receiving treatment at this facility, you acknowledge that medical services are provided on an emergency basis and are subject to staff and resource availability. The hospital is not liable for unforeseen complications from emergency care, provided reasonable standards of care are followed. You consent to necessary medical procedures and agree that all charges for services rendered are your responsibility, payable in accordance with the stations billing policies.
Project Request by Ambiic

For Engineers to request permission from the CE to do a project.


# Project Request
I hereby request formal approval to initiate and complete the proposed construction project at the specified location. The project plans and specifications, will comply with all relevant zoning laws, building codes and safety regulations. All necessary permits and inspections will be secured prior to commencement of construction, and the project will adhere to applicable station, sector, and intergalactic laws.

Project Leader: [____________________]

## Chief Engineer 

If anyone is able to, I am especially interested in paperwork related to Cargo, Engineering and Pranking requests.

1 Like

You can make headers like the one below by using tables with background colours as shown to me by moffball and zimon.


What it looks like in the editor
<head><table bgcolor="990000" width="100%" height="15%">
        <div align="center"><font size="4" color="white">
         <br>SECURITY DEPARTMENT</code>
         <br></font><font color="white">
        <center><font color="white" size=3>
</font><font color="white" size=6>
<hr color="990000" size="4">

Sure! Here are mine that i made after bombyx taught me you can use html with 'em!




You can replace all the parts with 447EC0 with your own color to make it department specific and such.

<hr color="447EC0" size="4">
    <table bgcolor="447EC0" width="100%" height="15%">
           		<font size="1" color="white">
					<code>Ullman© Paper Utilities *NSIN:HPF-27-258*</code>
            <div align="center">
                <font size="4" color="white">
                    -FAX DIRECT-
            <div align="right">
                <font size="11" color="white">
                <font size="2" color="white">
                            stamp here
<hr color="447EC0" size="4">
    <table style="width: 90%;" border="1">
                <td colspan="2">
                <td colspan="2">




Sed dolores et voluptatem repellendus. Sint aut rem perspiciatis et culpa aut. Ducimus autem numquam mollitia in aut omnis natus. Ipsa quaerat eligendi molestiae ratione a dolores. Cumque qui doloremque similique hic distinctio aperiam. Et et qui et ex ex pariatur atque.

Beatae ab omnis id aut voluptatem doloribus veritatis. Aliquam est quia voluptate quasi dolorem exercitationem.


Hop Stuff:

Head Promotion Form

    <table bgcolor="447EC0" width="100%" height="15%">
           		<font size="1" color="white">
					<code>Ullman© Paper Utilities *NSIN:HPF-27-258*</code>
        	<th rowspan="2">
                	<font size="6" color="white">
					<font size="2" color="white">
        	<th rowspan="2">
                <font size="1" color="white">
            	<font size="3" color="white">
                	Head of Personnel
            		Head Promotion Form

**Multi-Purpose request for promotion to a Head of Staff, to be given only to people from the same department.**

<hr color="447EC0" size="8">

	<table width="95%" border="1px">
    	    			Applicant signature:
       	 				HoP/Captain signature:
       	 				Current assignment:
       	 				Intended re-assignment:
			<th colspan="2">
       	 				Reason(s) for request(s):
			<th colspan="2">
			<th colspan="2">
       	 				Signature & Stamp of the captain (if present):
			<th colspan="2">
                    <font size="1" color="black">
                   				------stamp below------
                   			◜          ◝
               				◟          ◞


            <div align="justify">
                <font size="2" color="grey">
                    * According to the NT SOP Section for the Head of Personnel; guideline 12, The Head of Personnel must follow the same Head of Staff promotion/demotion Guidelines as the Captain.
                    * According to the NT SOP Section for the Captain; guideline 5, If a department lacks a Head of Staff, the Captain should make reasonable efforts to appoint an Acting Head of Staff, if there are available personnel to fill the position.
                    * According to the NT SOP Section for the Captain; guideline 7, The Captain may only promote personnel to an Acting Head of Staff position if there is no assigned Head of Staff associated with the department. Said Acting Head of Staff must be a member of the department they are to lead.

Access Request Form

    <table bgcolor="447EC0" width="100%" height="15%">
           		<font size="1" color="white">
					<code>Ullman© Paper Utilities *NSIN: AR-26-256*</code>
        	<th rowspan="2">
                	<font size="6" color="white">
					<font size="2" color="white">
        	<th rowspan="2">
                <font size="1" color="white">
            	<font size="3" color="white">
                	Head of Personnel
            		Access Request Form

**Multi-Purpose access request and change form. To document a change in access to an ID.**

<hr color="447EC0" size="8">

	<table width="95%" border="1px">
    	    			Applicant signature:
       	 				HoP signature:
       	 				Current assignment:
       	 				Intended re-assignment:
			<th colspan="2">
       	 				(If no change of title) List requested changes:
			<th colspan="2">
			<th colspan="2">
       	 				Reason for request(s):
			<th colspan="2">
			<th colspan="2">
       	 				Authorizing third party(ies):
			<th colspan="2">


            <div align="justify">
                <font size="2" color="grey">
                    * According to the NT SOP Section for the Head of Personnel; Guideline 1, The Head of Personnel must confirm with the relevant Head of Staff when giving a crewmember access to their department.
                    * According to the NT SOP Section for the Head of Personnel; Guideline 2, The Head of Personnel may not grant someone access to an additional department if said department is staffed. However, the Head of Personnel can transfer crewmembers to other departments in compliance with Guideline 1.

General Request Form

    <table bgcolor="447EC0" width="100%" height="15%">
           		<font size="1" color="white">
					<code>Ullman© Paper Utilities *NSIN: GRF-27-285*</code>
        	<th rowspan="2">
                	<font size="6" color="white">
					<font size="2" color="white">
        	<th rowspan="2">
                <font size="1" color="white">
            	<font size="3" color="white">
                	Head of Personnel
            		General Request Form

**Multi-Purpose Request form to be used for any not-defined requests.**

<hr color="447EC0" size="8">

	<table width="95%" border="1px">
    	    			Applicant signature:
       	 				HoP signature:
       	 				Current assignment:
                        (if applicable):
			<th colspan="2">
			<th colspan="2">
			<th colspan="2">
       	 				Reason(s) for request(s):
			<th colspan="2">
			<th colspan="2">
       	 				Authorizing third party(ies):
			<th colspan="2">


            <div align="justify">
                <font size="2" color="grey">
                    * This form is deemed invalid if it is not signed/stamped by the applicable heads of staff or captain. The Head of Personnel must stamp this document, as well as photocopy and distribute it to the applicant.

ID Requisition Form

    <table bgcolor="447EC0" width="100%" height="15%">
           		<font size="1" color="white">
					<code>Ullman© Paper Utilities *NSIN: IDR-27-257*</code>
        	<th rowspan="2">
                	<font size="6" color="white">
					<font size="2" color="white">
        	<th rowspan="2">
                <font size="1" color="white">
            	<font size="3" color="white">
                	Head of Personnel
            		ID Requisition Form

**Multi-Purpose ID requisition and issuing form, to be filled out when a new ID is issued.**

<hr color="447EC0" size="8">

	<table width="95%" border="1px">
    	    			Applicant signature:
       	 				HoP signature:
       	 				Current assignment:
                        (if applicable):
			<th colspan="2">
			<th colspan="2">
			<th colspan="2">
       	 				Reason(s) for request(s):
			<th colspan="2">
			<th colspan="2">
       	 				Authorizing third party(ies):
			<th colspan="2">


            <div align="justify">
                <font size="2" color="grey">
                    * According to the NT SOP Section for the Head of Personnel; guideline 1, The Head of Personnel must confirm with the relevant Head of Staff when giving a crewmember access to their department.
                    * According to the NT SOP Section for the Head of Personnel; guideline 2, The Head of Personnel may not grant someone access to an additional department if said department is staffed. However, the Head of Personnel can transfer crewmembers to other departments in compliance with Guideline 1.
                    * This form is deemed invalid if it is not signed/stamped by the applicable heads of staff or captain. The Head of Personnel must stamp this document, as well as photocopy and distribute it to the applicant.

Outer Spess Menu:


    <table bgcolor="a500d6" width="100%" height="1%">
    <table bgcolor="6700a5" width="100%" height="1%">
    <table bgcolor="3f007b" width="100%" height="1%">
    <table bgcolor="1a0050" width="100%" height="1%">
    <table bgcolor="000000" width="100%" height="15%">
           		<font size="1" color="white">
					<code>Ullman© Paper Utilities *NSIN: RSM-84-212*</code>
           		<font size="3" color="white">
					Welcome to
                    	<font size="6" color="00ffaa">
                        <font size="6" color="00ffff">
                        <font size="6" color="00aaff">
                        <font size="6" color="0054ff">
                        <font size="6" color="0100ff">
                        <font size="6" color="5600ff">
                        <font size="6" color="a900ff">
                        <font size="6" color="d400ff">
                        <font size="6" color="fe00ff">
                        <font size="6" color="ff00d5">
                <font size="3" color="white">
                Drinks and Food products.
    <table bgcolor="1a0050" width="100%" height="1%">
    <table bgcolor="3f007b" width="100%" height="1%">
    <table bgcolor="6700a5" width="100%" height="1%">
    <table bgcolor="a500d6" width="100%" height="1%">
    <table bgcolor="6700a5" width="100%" height="1%">
    <table bgcolor="3f007b" width="100%" height="1%">
    <table bgcolor="1a0050" width="100%" height="1%">
<table bgcolor="000000" width="100%" height="10%">
        <font size="5" color="9500ff">
		Normal Drink Suggestions:
    <table bgcolor="1a0050" width="100%" height="0.5%">
<table bgcolor="000000" width="100%" height="15%">
        <font size="3" color="ff00d5">
        * Tequila Sunrise
		--- Bright, flowery orange and tequila.
		* Sugar Rush
		--- Sweet, sweet wine with lemon lime.
		* Manhattan
		--- A timeless whiskey-vermouth classic.
		* Martini
		--- Bold juniper & Sweet, dry vermouth.
		* Between The Sheets
		--- Cognac and lemon with rummy twist.
		* Stinger
		--- Sweet, strong, minty and refreshing.
        * Sidecar
		--- Tart, dry orange with cognac liquor.
        * Mojito
		--- Minty, rummy jungle freshness.
    <table bgcolor="1a0050" width="100%" height="0.5%">
<table bgcolor="000000" width="100%" height="10%">
        <font size="5" color="9500ff">
		Premium Selection Suggestions(10c per 5u):
		<font size="3" color="ff00d5">
    <table bgcolor="1a0050" width="100%" height="0.5%">
<table bgcolor="000000" width="100%" height="15%">
        <font size="2" color="ff00d5">
        * Eau d' Dandy Brut Champagne
		Finely sourced from the most pretentious French vineyards.
		* Mont de Requin Trappistes Bleu
		Brewed in space-Belgium!
		* Chateau de Baton premium cognac
		Made with numerous distillations and years of maturing.
		* Pure Ethanol Derivatives
		Fringe Weavers, Rubbernecks, Etc.

Lawyer Stuff:

Departmental Review

    <table bgcolor="3B8740" width="100%" height="15%">
           		<font size="1" color="white">
						Ullman© Paper Utilities *NSIN: LWYR-27-6969*
        	<th rowspan="2">
                	<font size="6" color="white">
					<font size="1" color="white">
                    	Legal Department
        	<th rowspan="2">
                <font size="1" color="white">
            	<font size="3" color="white">
            		Standard Operating Procedures,
                    A General Review
	General review and report on possible hazards or other deficiencies found in a department.
<hr color="3B8740" size="4">
    <table style="width: 90%;" border="1">
								Area or Entity Reviewed
                <td colspan="2">
                                Time of Review
                <td colspan="2">

<font size="4" color="black">Findings:</font>


            <div align="justify">
                <font size="2" color="grey">
						* This document shall be stamped and a copy distributed each to the reviewed entity and the bridge or otherwise acting captain or commander.

You gotta write most of this shit yourself, so i attached an example and what info you prolly need.

How it's supposed to look like:

Working lawsuit checklist, you gotta know all of this, and it’s gotta be reasonable:

Plaintiff, our client
Defendant, who we are suing

  • What are we accusing the other side of? Ideally this is an actual crime.
  • What are the facts of the matter supporting our cause? Short, easily proven, facts.
  • What damage has our side sustained?
  • What action are we seeking to be taken?
  • Are there witnesses or other evidence that can be used in court?

    <table bgcolor="3B8740" width="100%" height="15%">
           		<font size="1" color="white">
						Ullman© Paper Utilities *NSIN: LWYR-27-6969*
        	<th rowspan="2">
                	<font size="6" color="white">
					<font size="1" color="white">
                    	Legal Department
        	<th rowspan="2">
                <font size="1" color="white">
            	<font size="3" color="white">
	Lawsuit detailing and lawyer contract.
	Not binding unless stamped by the attorney.
<hr color="3B8740" size="4">
            <div align="justify">
                <font size="3" color="black">
							LAWYER JESSICA MCCUNE, Plaintiff,
							<font size="4" color="black">COMPLAINT FOR NEGLIGENCE</font>
							Plaintiff, Jessica Mccune("Plaintiff"), hereby files this Complaint against Defendant Pierre Lacemaker("Defendant"), and alleges as follows:
							<font size="4" color="black">INTRODUCTION</font>
							This is a civil action seeking damages for Defendant Lacemakers blatant neglicence in the handling of artifacts, resulting in personal harm for the Plaintiff.
							<font size="4" color="black">PARTIES</font>
							Lawyer Jessica Mccune is a resident of Slant-ways Factory Eleven and serves as an attorny with the station's law office.
							Pierre Lacemaker is a resident of Slant-ways Factory Eleven and serves as a scientist with the science division.
							<font size="4" color="black">FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS</font>
							Defendant was negligent with his public handling of artifacts.
							Due to this negligence, plaintiff and others was permanently and irreperably colored red.
							Defendant’s actions were intentional, malicious, and lacked any legal or scientific justification.
							Said coloring has resulted in mental harm, as well as rendering the plaintiff's PPE ineffectual.
							<font size="4" color="black">CAUSES OF ACTION</font>
							Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference all preceding paragraphs.
							Defendant Lacemaker was negligent with his public handling of artifacts, purposefully bringing volatile objects into a public space.
							As a result, Plaintiff suffered severe damages and demands compensation.
							<font size="4" color="black">PRAYER FOR RELIEF</font>
							WHEREFORE, Plaintiff requests judgment against Defendant as follows:
							Compensatory damages in an amount to be determined;
							Punitive damages;
							Costs, including attorney’s fees;
							Any other relief deemed just by this Court.
                            <font size="4" color="black">SETTLEMENT</font>
							WHEREAS the Plaintiff is willing to forgo further legal action in exchange for a monetary settlement of a sum of 10,000 credits, or more, provided by either the Defendant(s) or any third party on their behalf.
                            Upon receipt of said amount, the Plaintiff agrees to release the Defendant(s) from all claims related to this matter, and that they will undertake no further legal proceedings or demands against the Defendant(s) in connection to earlier provided causes of action.
							<font size="4" color="black">DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL</font>
							Plaintiff requests a trial by jury on all issues so triable.
							Respectfully submitted,
							/s/ Jessica Mccune,
							Jessica Mccune, J.D.
							McCune Legal Services,
							Prosecuting Attorney for Plaintiff Jessica Mccune

That actually worked by the way. I managed to get 10k credits from the captain and made sure everyone affected got their cut. AFTER taking my own cut of course.


That Outer Spess menu looks sick! Great colours.

1 Like

So when are you adding these to the game

I will soon upload my files I use as Bellatrix for armory and such when I get home, perhaps I will even add the stamp portion to the top for uniformity of paperwork standards!

Fool Ambiic! You can already photocopy a Warrant smh

For five whole credits :nauseated_face:

1 Like

too broke to afford a dorm? smh

It’s shite though. Also, I didn’t know of it. Also, I can’t be arsed to waddle my way to the photocopier. Also, this one is cooler.

you know what else is COOLER, ME!

1 Like

Half of the premade forms don’t work. I’ve had it twice now that someone sends me a complaint form via fax that is literally unwriteable

True, I forgot also to reformat those forms, so instead of saying I will do it I will simply say soon ™

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also, possibly irrelevant, but fortune cookie papers are busted, i eat the paper with the cookie :frowning:


Some html3 works with the paperwork yes, unsure which parts are excluded.

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I wish all paperwork HoPs a very 9 rounds to the back of the head. - disgruntled syndicate operative that had to wait in line.


Can this bountiful thing be added to wiki? Both this forms and html ones

No, I wanted to add it to the photocopier using the fancy HTML and CSS magic but has since quit SS13. The game is open source and there are already a few very basic photocopier papers. Use them to make your own. Talk to Bombyx about it for more information.