Operator_1984 Player Report

CKEY: Shiraizawa

Your Discord: Shiraizawa#0314

Offender’s CKEY: Operator_1984

Offender’s In-Game Name: Fabian Eckhardt

Server (Sage or Acacia): Sage

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 04/29/2022

Round Number: 37760

Rules Broken: 3, 7, 12

Incident Description: I joined the shift like, 2 minutes late and I saw we didn’t have any engineers, so I choose that so crew wont run out of power. I left the shuttle, headed to engi and saw CE running past me, that’s when I realized power shouldn’t have been an issue, but that’s not important. They went off to become the acting captain, because we didn’t have one. I started working on setting up the SM for a nice 3 gas type loop (picture included further down), when CE came in asking:

Fabian Eckhardt says, “Eurgh what the hell is this.”

To which I told them its purpose. To this, the CE (now acting captain) responded with:

Fabian Eckhardt says, “This looks like garbage why don’t you leave it to me I’ll run CO2.”

I, now being insulted, responded with “You look like garbage”, then with “But go ahead” (they didn’t hear the second sentence, because they left before I could type it out).
There’s some chatter with the Ai, they asked if I need a special gas mix (I planned on doing one at first) but I replied with “CE said they will do it” then with:

[Engineering] Isabelle McConaughey meows, “I agreed, but they didn’t hear it because they are a rude bastard.”

Now, that they were as well insulted, they said:

[Engineering] Fabian Eckhardt says, “I spy with my little eye two infractions of subordination.”

To this, I told them its not insubordination, but having an opinion. They said that they as an acting captain, have one of me as well. To be fair, up until this point I didn’t know they were the acting captain, even if I referred to him as one before in this report. Then he came in, flashed me, restrained with cuffs then declared:

[Engineering] Fabian Eckhardt says, “Isabelle is now an assistant.”

Demoted me, their only engineer with no atmosian; confiscating all my tools, personal items (my lighter I spawn in with), earpiece and mesons. Clearly abusing their powers as acting captain.

After this, with my round ruined, I cryo’d.

I admit, I was rude, but that’s only because they called my work “garbage” (which they then downgraded)

Additional Information:

After half an hour, the SM was still not running.

After they died because mimo bombed them, copium started in DCHAT:

DEAD: Fabian Eckhardt says, “dont know if I should dnr”
DEAD: Fabian Eckhardt says, “this round is garbage, the only other engineer was an uppity little cunt i demoted and traitors are going sicko”

They then DNR’d as the only head on the station.


I have never seen a “3 gas type loop”. I wish you included a picture. It’s not really important.

They are the only head of staff. They become the acting captain. Since there is no HoS they can technically act as a HoS. Now command SoP for Captain states:

If a department lacks a Head of Staff, the Captain should make reasonable efforts to appoint an Acting Head of Staff, if there are available personnel to fill the position.

However from my experience this is quite difficult because if people wanted to play a command role they would have just picked that when joining. I can’t really blame them for that.

You said to them, understandably, after they called your setup garbage:

The law states that you must “knowingly disobey a lawful order from a superior.” I don’t really see ground for an arrest since you didn’t disobey any direct command.

In real life you wouldn’t talk with your boss like that. And even if did you wouldn’t be arrest. You would be just fired. This is not real life however. And these insults are quite tame. That is important for later.

Moving on to the literal arrest which assumes it’s lawful, even though in this case it’s not. Command SoP for Captain states:

  1. The Captain is not permitted to perform regular Security duty. However, they may still assist Security if they see a crime being committed.

They did not do that. Instead they arrested you directly. That is a clear violation unless there where no security officers present on the station. I doubt that.

Going to the arrest reason it seems they lack knowledge of how Space Law works. They stated:

This shows a lack of understanding that crimes do not stack under our Space Law. Even if they did stack this would still be considered one case. If it was lawful that is.

Back to the literal arrest. They arrest you, don’t jail you, but instead just demote you take take away your items. All the items they took are NOT considered contraband. The only thing I can see that is valid was, maybe, the key from the headset.

They are at this point an acting captain. It is not their direct job to set up the SM. However you would expect it since they where CE before.

Using the fact that demoting a uncooperative subordinate is usually worse then not having one is something I dislike. Even though demoting would make sense we, command staff, are encouraged by the game systems to keep people as it “weakens” the crew if they are not a antagonist.

I also don’t like this. I don’t really want heads of staff to be bound beyond death to their job. Sometimes it’s really not pleasant to play something out. Especially since we have ghost roles and the DNR button for that reason.

Taking it all into account their HoS and Captain conduct is bad. Especially HoS is atrocious. Look like a clear R12 break to me. This is not a person fit for command. If you are going to play HoS they you will be held up to the normal HoS standard.

Regarding R3 It’s a bit murky with all the chain of command as I have mentioned. I don’t think this qualifies.

Finally, R7. This one is hard. It’s also the most important. While the above rules can be the result of other factors and ignorance this one… not so much.

It’s not really a hard rule, however this really doesn’t fell like behavior that we should allow. Especially the part where they called you a “uppity little cunt”. I really don’t like that.

Regardless I’m not an admeme. I just enjoy these command staff reports.


I would go so far as saying that they did break rule 7.

They stopped the only Engineer working on the SM from setting it up. They said this:

If they knew any better, they could have made a C02 setup later because nearly all setups can allow for C02 engines later in the round. You generally shouldn’t start with a C02 engine because it takes a bit to get working without overheating if you don’t start on it right away(If they did start right away it would be fine). This CE didn’t start on it right away, and didn’t start on it even after demoting the Engineer. Because they decided to ruin the Engineer’s round by not allowing them to do their job, they also knowingly harmed every other player’s round by actively hindering power from being started.

You could say that they didn’t setup power because of their duties as acting head. But if that were so, they should have delegated which is their new directive as acting head. They made delegation impossible for themselves instead. Incompetence from power grabbers like this isn’t good for anyone’s round.

After all that, they type this in dead chat. This seems like a don’t be a dick violation. They obviously thought that they had done nothing wrong by ruining the round for another player without a good IC reason, and was OOC upset over what was said. Doesn’t seem like much of a roleplayer to me.


I tried to do that, but it wouldnt let me post media nor links in a post, and it still doesnt let me in replies either :slight_smile:

Also, this wasn’t really an issue, because they did set up solars after demoting me. Then proceeded to, and I quote “Unfuck the sm”.


Someone else with more permission can post the images for you - you’ll get that permission after a certain threshold of both being active and time passing. Your account is definitely old enough, but hasn’t been active enough yet.

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send me the image ill post it if not tonight when i wake up tomorrow

I remember being corporate AI that round and being pissed at CE for not turning on the SM despite the setup being functional (it was some 5 layers additional filters autismneering, nothing major enough to delay gasflow), went off to do solars without turning the turbine on first, tell me turbine was superfluous while the bow of the station was loosing power, overall not a great look. Sadly, my memory is too fuzzy to remember more.

Edit : there was no security present for most of the round, which is why CE made the arrest himself.

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There was no arrest made. It was only detaining.

New accounts cannot initiate DMs either, I believe

and that assumption is correct

dm me it on discord @reds88#8433

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Looked through logs, sample below

TLDR: IC argument culminates in Isabelle declaring their refusal to work with the acting captain/CE.

Refusing to work with the captain, especially this vehemently, is sufficient justification for demotion.

Report Rejected