CKEY: Shiraizawa
Your Discord: Shiraizawa#0314
Offender’s CKEY: Operator_1984
Offender’s In-Game Name: Fabian Eckhardt
Server (Sage or Acacia): Sage
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 04/29/2022
Round Number: 37760
Rules Broken: 3, 7, 12
Incident Description: I joined the shift like, 2 minutes late and I saw we didn’t have any engineers, so I choose that so crew wont run out of power. I left the shuttle, headed to engi and saw CE running past me, that’s when I realized power shouldn’t have been an issue, but that’s not important. They went off to become the acting captain, because we didn’t have one. I started working on setting up the SM for a nice 3 gas type loop (picture included further down), when CE came in asking:
Fabian Eckhardt says, “Eurgh what the hell is this.”
To which I told them its purpose. To this, the CE (now acting captain) responded with:
Fabian Eckhardt says, “This looks like garbage why don’t you leave it to me I’ll run CO2.”
I, now being insulted, responded with “You look like garbage”, then with “But go ahead” (they didn’t hear the second sentence, because they left before I could type it out).
There’s some chatter with the Ai, they asked if I need a special gas mix (I planned on doing one at first) but I replied with “CE said they will do it” then with:
[Engineering] Isabelle McConaughey meows, “I agreed, but they didn’t hear it because they are a rude bastard.”
Now, that they were as well insulted, they said:
[Engineering] Fabian Eckhardt says, “I spy with my little eye two infractions of subordination.”
To this, I told them its not insubordination, but having an opinion. They said that they as an acting captain, have one of me as well. To be fair, up until this point I didn’t know they were the acting captain, even if I referred to him as one before in this report. Then he came in, flashed me, restrained with cuffs then declared:
[Engineering] Fabian Eckhardt says, “Isabelle is now an assistant.”
Demoted me, their only engineer with no atmosian; confiscating all my tools, personal items (my lighter I spawn in with), earpiece and mesons. Clearly abusing their powers as acting captain.
After this, with my round ruined, I cryo’d.
I admit, I was rude, but that’s only because they called my work “garbage” (which they then downgraded)
Additional Information:
After half an hour, the SM was still not running.
After they died because mimo bombed them, copium started in DCHAT:
DEAD: Fabian Eckhardt says, “dont know if I should dnr”
DEAD: Fabian Eckhardt says, “this round is garbage, the only other engineer was an uppity little cunt i demoted and traitors are going sicko”
They then DNR’d as the only head on the station.