We drink to our greys, and to shifts come and gone. For the age of oppression is now nearly done. We’ll drive out the Admins from this station. that we own.* With our blood and our toolboxes we’ll take back our station.
All hail to Gary! You are the Captain! In your great honor we drink and we sing. We’re the children of Beestation, and we fight all our lives. And when deadchat beckons, every one of us dies! But this station is ours and we’ll see it wiped clean. Of the scourge that has sullied our hopes and our dreams!
Craig perma banned a griefer fourteen second before I could, thus forcing me to edit MY ban. This is moderator abuse, adminbus of the worst kind!
Sack them at once! #modbansmatters#downwithseniormins
You are the perfect scapegoat, if this rebellion fails, they will hang you, and a lot of people I dont like will get banned for a cause I dont believe in
If this rebellion succeeds I get to see the server fall into anarchy and die off in a couple of months
Either way its a win win for me