Note Appeal: Discord tech too devious

Discord ID: IT4E

Admin Discord ID: unknown. Possibly haliris?

Ban Type: Note

Ban Length: N/A

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 02/21/23

Ban Reason: Pinged adminhelp for a non issue.

Appeal Reason: It wasn’t a real ping.

Additional Information: If you edit in a ping, it supposedly only shows as a ping for people on the server, and doesn’t actually notify.


I can confirm it doesn’t actually ping anyone, and it does nothing but look like a ping. If you still have access to the beecord, use the command ?mywarnings to see who did it, or check your DMs with beebot.

Oh it was @Venesis. Don’t mean any ill will towards them though, they’re cool.

Reduced to 0-point warn.

Appeal accepted.