CKEY: Crow4
Your Discord: crow
Offender’s CKEY: Not_A_Shark
Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant):
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 10/13/22
Round Number: 40844
Rules Broken (if relevant): None
Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): IC Punishments (Admin Intervention)
Incident Description: Was playing as a ghost, about an hour and five minutes in, I pray “I pray for some cool ghost roles”, and no reply, which is fine, as nothing had spawned ghost role wise. Then a popup for “would you like to be Evil Crab in a Box” pops up. Okay cool, I roll that and am now a crab and life is fine, I figure i’ll just RP, nope, instead i just sorta start saying stuff, and milli randomly force ghosts me, from a role they made, on the grounds “that the joke ran stale”.
I asked them why they had killed me, and they said “because you prayed”, but I had prayed before I was crab, so what, if you pray at any time an admin can just smite you on the grounds you had prayed? What. Later Milli said “I was gonna make some ghost roles too” then never made one, very fun, except an incursionist with no items, a tracking impant, and no ID. Another prank ghost role.
I mean we got way stupider shit than a crab, why instantly murder it? I was going to crab it up so hard, specifically to spite the “Haha funnee” ghost role I got, I had planned to make the most of it. Nope, boop. Dead.
Later in the round Milli went around deleting the giant radiation leak that came from engineering, which was actually kind of a change of pace, but was not allowed to happen, fnr (not against the rules but lame i feel)