Not_a_shark admin rulling dissagrement R41830

In-game misconduct:


Your Discord:kelpo

Offender’s CKEY:not a shark

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant):non relevant

Date (MM-DD-YYYY):16-12-22

Round Number:r41830

Rules Broken (if relevant): The admin in question did not break these rules, but I believe someone else did,7, lrp speach

Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant):not relevant

Incident Description: I ahelp something from hal wise

after a bit of back and forth I give them the reason I think they chose the ship name and how its related,
Sigma, yes it can roll into the station name randomly but Hal chose it, my only guess would be “SIGMA GRINDSET MEME” considering how lrp I see them act
The issue is closed, I dont remember what I was told but something along no action will be taken.
Later after the issue
an det assistant wanted to go undercover, hal wise reply was as follows
Hal Wise meows, “The grifing.”
later on
[Security] Hal Wise asks, “So we have a nigmare?”
another use of this “stuff”, this reminds me of the L word which is also based on the n word
I think later the station got rolled, hal ends dead and soulless as captain, either dced or played as xeno right after dying.
Additional Information:
If it wasnt obvious I disagree with the lack of action the admin took in the ahelp I made

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If this is a comment on using griefing as a joke then it’s kind of voided by the fact that’s literally the name of the costume the assistant is wearing. (i think it’s misspelt here actually but the costume itself is a portmanteau of griffin and grief so the point still stands)


Its more about the g at the final, I know about the history between the owl and the griffin

it could just be a typo. I make accidental typos at the end of speech in game all the time. It’s a little extreme to make note of a scenario where someone used an extra letter in a sentence


I wouldn’t have added it here if I thought it was a coincidence or accident considering what other things they have said and done.

Normally don’t talk in these sort of threads but:

This is Hal you’re talking about, the serial misspeller:

This is a post where they’re trying their best not to type improperly; they’re even worse on the fly. It’s very possible it was an accident considering their long history of bad typing. Sure, they do a lot of LRP stuff, but that doesn’t mean they’re racist.

Also: Think “grifing” = “griffon” in that context, they’re pretty bad at spelling

Reason why I’m bothering is because I’ve got a lot of friends with dyslexia and it’s tough for them.


also this isn’t like, against the rules at all. Poor etiquette but once you’re dead you have no obligation to continue playing as that character in that round


Ah yes, haste and dyslexia. This takes me back.

Don’t ask for “fragging crowbars”, you might drop an important letter and get bwoink.


Yea this honestly seems kind of intentional and rather strange, lol.

I die to the xenomorfs because the AI reported xenobiocretures in medbay so I thought the xenobiologist just released creatures or a slime attack well no it was fucking xenomorfs and there was a lot of them with 0 previous reports and I only respawned as I saw there were 0 chances of me getting revive, only non infected alive person was a xenobiologist.

I was confuses and wanted to confirm there was a nightmare this is not a referent to anything.
Ok I realise now I was writing nightmare wrong my autocorrector is not compatible with SS13
I did translate several words during the round as there is people how may protest or not get what I mean.
I still think is pretty absurd to think it was bases in the L word

It did not occur to me this. It was a referent to a phrase it used to play at the end of the round
NPC destroy mission accomplish

I did only replay that some time after as I founded that guy dressed as the griffin in security.
I was joking about the situation of having an assistant dressed as the villain the griffin in security, but I did not intentionally mispelf the word.
I also commented after: maybe the owl would be more appropriate

I did not think much of the name, I thought if it wasn’t appropriated it would just not get approved.
I wasn’t very creative, I just altered one word of randomly generated name.

I read over this maybe eight times and I still didn’t get where the l/n-word came into play here until I saw one of the later comments. The typo is, to me, so obvious my brain auto-corrected it to nightmare every time I read it.

I strongly doubt that they were intending to be racist here.


Alrighty. Time to resolve this report.

There isn’t really a lot to say here. I wouldn’t consider the sigma station seventeen name to be bad. I think it is far enough from the whole sigma grindset meme to not be considered as such.

And I agree with what everyone else already said in here, including crossed. I don’t believe this was anything other than just a typo.

Thank you for the report nonetheless.