Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): Seperate IC and OOC punishments
Incident Description: Following a glowshroom/kudzu outbreak, Not_a_shark spawned a weed remover ERT to help the crew deal with the infestation, with themselves as the Admiral (Millii). When me and two others spawned we didn’t see them, so we launched the shuttle ourselves. However not_a_shark proceeded to force the shuttle back for the briefing. All mostly good so far. Then however, they decided to randomly shoot one of the ERT people and then smite them with a delimber. While that guy was ahealed after, it still strikes me as something really off RP standards for what is supposed to be an admiral, and to me it also felt like not_a_shark was slightly stepping out of line here.
Now this is all debatable so far and I wouldn’t have made a report based on that alone. However, back at the shuttle, I then said LOOC “admin powertripping moment”. Alright, this maybe could have constituted for a mild smite. However, this lead to me being forcibly ghosted out of my body almost immediately after, with no further explanation or anything, and this is the main cause of this report. I find that irresponsible for a staff member, and frankly not being able to handle this kind of banter just seems childish to me. You don’t get to roll an unusual ERT like this all the time.
Additional Information: I know this report is probably gonna be a controversial one, but this isn’t the first time I observed this admin behaving like this. There was that one time during a battle royale where they spawned into the station, and then proceeded to aheal themselves whenever they got attacked. I think they are still nice to play with as a character, but being an admin might just not be the right thing for them.
sorry, what exactly is the misconduct here?
IC and OOC punishments are supposed to be sepreate and IC consequence does not perclude OOC consecuence
i dont see how thats relevant to what you wrote tho, reads more like you think the smites+ghosting was to harsh?
unless im reading bad you dont even mention any OOC consequences
Forceghosting is something only griefers or SSD players get, never saw it being used for anything else. It’s OOC, because to the spaceman there is no visible difference to the character. The only one being punished is the player.
Im uh, still confused as to what the issue here is exactly?
A ghosting could probabbly be considerd both IC and OOC, but ultimately its still not a proper OOC consequence, not even a note.
im not making any judgement on wether the actions taken were appopriate just yet, but i think you’re confused on what that bit of policy is supposed to mean.
Still sounds like “i think punishment was out of porportion” to me
which may or may not be valid, we’ll look into it
I was the guy they shot. I role-played my character being really pissed, as the evac shuttle was called nearly after we departed. I was generally yelling at the admiral before I got smited.
While arguably I was oocly annoyed, I can see why I got smited. For the whole ghosting thing? that seems a bit far to me.
I’ve seen enough reports not to take them immediately at the face value presented by the reporting player, but at a glance these are the policies that seem most relevant to me:
Admin was playing in an IC role (albeit a special one) and had a conflict with other player(s), and seems to have taken the matter into their own hands via the use of admin tools.
Alright, so
this was a weird situation to dig though, honestly.
there definitely does seem to have been a bit of stink going down here.
Obviously admins need to be admined when acting as CC, but IC and OOC actions are still expected to be kept reasonably seperate.
Centcom is the ultimate IC authority, and if CC actualy cares enough to do so, it will always win. “Rebelling” against CC, or insubordination against a CC offical, is absolutely bound to get you executed on the spot. Thats why comanders get a revolver and admirals an infinite pulse pistol.
Thats fine and good.
putting just actual braindead LRP chimpouts aside (which obviously need OOC handling), these things should be kept in-character though. CC cant loose, but atleast a flimsy “Nanobots, son!”-tier explanation should be provided, generaly.
Which is a lengthy way to say, admirals souldnt talk OOCly, and shouldnt be ghosting people for pissing them off IC. They should just be shooting them.
The admin has been spoken to about this, apprechiate the report.