Nik735 Mentor application

Your CKEY: nik735

Your Discord: Nik#4867

How long have you been playing ss13?: 300 hours

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: uh no one specifically

Game Experience (More Detailed): Can do almost all jobs and antags (except devil) I understand all of science and med, Can setup sm fine, decent at tesla. Played a decent amount of RD, CMO and QM.

I see lots of new people asking in ooc for help and there are no mentors online sometimes so I could help

Would you mind posting your tracked playtime in this thread? Also, do you have any specific, niche knowledge about science and medical you could clarify?

Playtime for Nik735

  • AI 8h (3%)
  • Assistant 3h (1%)
  • Atmospheric Technician 1h (0%)
  • Bartender 4h (1%)
  • Botanist 7h (2%)
  • Brig Physician 2h (0%)
  • Captain 7h (2%)
  • Cargo Technician 20m (0%)
  • Chaplain 8h (3%)
  • Chemist 27h (10%)
  • Chief Engineer 4h (1%)
  • Chief Medical Officer 24h (8%)
  • Clown 9h (3%)
  • Cook 5h (2%)
  • Cyborg 4h (1%)
  • Detective 40m (0%)
  • Geneticist 5h (2%)
  • Head of Personnel 6h (2%)
  • Medical Doctor 13h (5%)
  • Mime 20m (0%)
  • Quartermaster 5h (1%)
  • Research Director 13h (4%)
  • Roboticist 13h (5%)
  • Scientist 34h (12%)
  • Security Officer 4h (1%)
  • Shaft Miner 7h (2%)
  • Station Engineer 6h (2%)
  • Virologist 8h (3%)
  • Warden 10h (3%)
  • Living 270h (100%)
  • Ash Walker 30m (0%)
  • Servant Golem 20m (0%)
  • Free Golem 50m (0%)
  • Translocated Vet 20m (0%)
  • Hotel Staff 50m (0%)
  • Ancient Crew 1h (0%)
  • Lavaland Syndicate 1h (0%)
  • Ghost 27h (10%)

I can do anything in science and know almost all of med

Looks okay, but very little playtime in engie department, and you said you know how to set up SM well, from another servers I believe? Would you be able to guide someone through setting an SM? Or why power might not be working?

for the most part I can setup sm I could walk someone through it sure

And you know things like how to build machines, deconstruct them, or walls/airlocks and stuff? If so, I’ll give +1

oh ya 20202020202020

They got a good playhours on med, +1

What would you do if you notice the sm is on fire and delaming fast?

depends on the reason if its not setup then then id set it up, if its below 30% already and I dont have a hard suit or access, i’d get the shuttle called.

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Let’s say you notice a fuck ton of gas in the sm chamber what you do?

im guessing you mean plasma, I would use the 2 canisters and have them filter out plasma and set the loop to only filter in n2

also make sure the pumps are on in the inner air lock

I was hoping you would check the scrubbers in case of sabotage but ok +1

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yea theres a shit ton of reasons it could be flooded with plasma though haha and sabotage is less common then the ce being dumb


Yeah, sure, +1.

T: +4

how many + do I need?

A mix of playtime seems fair.

You are at +5 now so you’ll probably get accepted once headmin looks at it.