Nik735 banned by someone on discord lole

**Discord ID:**Nik

Admin Discord ID: idk

Ban Type: mute

Ban Length: idk

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): rn

Ban Reason: politics

Appeal Reason: wasn’t politics, was a video of some social justice person being baited into saying fbi crime statistics.

Additional Information: lol leave me alone jannies I just want to send my funne may mays

“fbi crime statistics”

I muted you, stay banned lol

1 Like

idk why ur so mad bro its a 2003 spaceman game discord. ppl talk actual politics and yall do nothing but a meme makes u mad lol? anyways I still have a warning from when ike randomly chose emoting “penisfart” was bannable

Yes, you do.

>13/50 ‘meme’
>actual politics

>posting meme

jannie grudge moment?

One warning by @ike709 (for penisfart)
One by Bloons, who’s already here.
One by Crossed, who’s on leave, so I guess it’s up to some headmin.

how about you play me in chess and if I win you unban me. all I do in the discord is send funny memes and answer questions about the game. If you dont want memes like that sent you gotta be consistent and ban everyone who sends stuff like that and not just me because otherwise it seems like thats allowed (or that you have a bias against me).


How about you stop posting racist and unfunny shit moments after you get unbanned?


I mean I get that its all subjective but ive seen far, far worse allowed which leads me to think you have a bias. It was pretty funny but if you want to ban me for it maybe ban the people who have stuff that’s more offensive then someone being tricked into saying crime statistics. (my offer for chess is still open too)

the nail that sticks out gets hammered

Whatabout! Whatabout!

You’ll have a better chance of appealing ike’s penis ban.

Considering you were just unmuted and your best defense is claiming that we’re letting other people get away with it, I don’t think this should be lifted right now.

Ike failed to respond in one day so I will handle warning given by him for “penisfart” and lift it.

You still have one warning from bloons and one from crossed.

unfairly!! I was sending that pr cuz it had gamerwords in it and I dont want beerepo to be banned on github lole