Niceman47 Banned by Admin Autisme

Title: Niceman47 Banned by Admin Autisme…

CKEY: Niceman47

Admin’s CKEY: Autisme…

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both

Ban Type: Server ban

Ban Length: Permanent

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 11-21-2021

Round ID: 34339

Ban Reason: 7.2, 7.5 Homophobic to the extreme. Mirror ban from NSV.

Appeal Reason: I have waited a while and think I understand the rules well enough to not be homophobic and toxic. New year new me! I also need a server to play on to get a voucher for another server I would also like to try and make and appeal on but that won’t be for a while. I would really appreciate a second chance on beestation this year!

Additional Information:

Unfortunately, permanent bans here require at least a year to have passed and a vouch from another reputable server to be appealed.

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As above. A permanent genuine ban and not an “appeal on the forums” perma, stands for a minimum of a year, and generally require a vouch to be lifted at the end of this.

Use this time to improve yourself and have fun on a respectable server if you wish to return here in a year, please appeal then with the vouch I’m sure you’re able to gain in that time.