In-game misconduct:
CKEY: Shiraizawa
Your Discord: Shiraizawa
Offender’s CKEY: Nexendia
Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2025-02-13
Round Number: 51638
Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): Bad bus
Incident Description:
The admin is question sent 3 immovable rods, which is fine, round was over 90 minutes. One broke the window & wall to the vault, which I planned to get into as an assistant. Thanks to our Linda system, this resulted in be being sucked into an electrified grill which was really funny. This of course resulted in my death after which the admin in question teleported my body, without asking, to another room close-by.
I did not pray in the round. I did not ask to be saved. I wanted to pay for the consequences of my actions as it was purely a fault of my IC decisions.
Additional Information:
They teleported my body back into the room that kept electrifying my corpse after I complained in dchat.
Your report description doesn’t make it clear if this is supposed to be a joke report or a real one.
If this is intended to be a real report can you remove the fluff and expand on what exactly happened/what they did wrong?
The fluff is 1 adjective and an opinion on assistant culture, but I will remove them.
I cant elaborate more on what happened, as I described it exactly how it happened.
My problem is with an admin taking OOC action against my character’s IC action. I never prayed in the round, but I was still put to admin intervention. I was never asked If I wanted to be saved or anything and their actions, if they werent reversed after I asked, would have impacted my round heavily as I wouldnt become husked, I would have been revived then I would have had to serve a sentence.
If I were found earlier other people could have been sucked into the grille as well, which would have resulted in someone stumbling upon us, leaving a memorable moment for them. This intervention took the possiblity of that away.
Are you reporting an admin for trying to help after what they think is a mistake? Your death was caused directly by their intervention which they probably didn’t intend, and fixing it was just them being nice to you - and you file an admin report for that, instead of telling them not to help in the future? Like, they straight up followed your wishes and put you back after you asked, so isn’t this a bit unnecvessary?
I don’t know man, this is just going to incite admins to not interact whatsoever with players - getting reported for trying to be nice after a fuckup they caused is so over the top it’s insane. I’d not want to be an admin in such an atmosphere
Id agree with luin, to me this seems like an extremely overblown reaction, to an issue which to me doesnt appear like an issue at all, and definately isnt report worthy. I love admin intervention in rounds, they offer great spice and change the often repetetive routine of shifts. And them helping you to recover from what - to me as well - seems to have been an unintended consequence, is if anything a positive marker and something i - would i have been in your position - would have expected and thanked them for doing.
If anything i think them not having helped you would have been far more report worthy, as that wouldve been direct admin intervention that round ended you.
I also think you saying that the consequence was purely an IC decision is wrong since from your description the rods clearly were the factor causing your death.
Alrighty, I don’t really see anything wrong with this situation then. I misunderstood your first description. I thought you were reporting them mainly because of the triggered rods.
The admin acted in good faith trying to help you out. In a situation that occured because of their own bus.
This wasn’t even a random situation where they intervened.
Reporting an admin for bus that potentially went too far makes sense. Or for bus that led to your death. (Which is what happened here.)
But reporting the admin for literally helping you out because of that bus, makes zero sense.
And makes me question the intent of this report.
This report does not warrant any action in my opinion.