New Ruling: Revs can murderbone with viruses

For once we agree. This is also what I taught when I saw it.

Revs can employe diseases if they can reasonbly ensure that it only hits valid targets(sec and command) and/or there are no other options.

This is comical to me. How exactly can you reasonably ensure the virus only hits valid targets? You can’t.

That is what high collateral means. But the admemes don’t seem to agree.

The also ruled that meth bombs are not high collateral here. Did you read that? Bombs. Like meth bombs. Those are not high collateral.

This to me show the most of all that these are, expectedly but still disappointingly, not lawyers. They are just some dudes who volunteer their time. They don’t worry about what kind of percent a ruling might set because they just have rule 0 to fall back on.