New Job Suggestions

You start with tool belt with all surgery gear, go round doing surgeries etc
Pretty much it, later on can do augmentation, revival surgery
But big brained @qwertyquerty said no after I made it with true chad @MarkSuckerberg help

Expanded Gateway Travel would greatly benefit from more power to basic station tools. Thrown spears dealing 30 damage would do a lot to take down basic wildlife, or a crazy miner.

Buff melee for expanded gateway travel !

30 damage is not a crazy amount. not when you get down to it.

I’m about to hit you

its to help with dealing with wildlife encounters

how many people do you need to fight a bear.

1 person with a toolbox?

You realize toolbox damage is balanced by its RNG effects?

Okay bro don’t exist anymore, thank you

Your words are like Neurotoxin to my brain holy shit

lets work together and fight the unknown ! expanded gatway travel is a great Idea that opens up a lot of jobs, and fighting whatever little thing that just wants to take a nibble of you as you try to check whats around the trees or rock or space is a lot of what that is. finding space is fun .

think of the bears

one of them could be a neat adventure you never wanted. one guy with a toolbox taking down a bear is something that I can believe right now, and thats not very big for a Bear that cant be knocked down.

Nothing you just said makes anny sense if you know annything about balance.
Fir example hatchets used to be a respectable weapon but they where needed becouse pepole where just breaking into botany to steal the hatchets and use them as weapons or just the botanists using them as weapons.
They are simply to easy to get your hands on to be a useful weapon

seeing a fireaxe hit someone in the face three times to no real effect is disgusting, and having a few things that can do things will help things when things are happing.

30 damage high armor pen fire axe

If you want shit to actually do something you want baymed or some other variations not buffing weapons

Your just copying the only hall of shame post, the melee “Rework”. Dont let this whole post get moved there, bruv.

jellico’s suggestion basically amounts to “What if greyshits can send you to Dchat faster?”

All the simple mobs have already been balanced around the current weapon values, on top of the fact their ai sucks and they can be aggro’d into a doorway and killed one by one.

You be seeming to not know of basic mechanics like the speed debuff damage does to you. Taking a single hit to the head from a wielded fireaxe puts you at a large disadvantage and you probably won’t be able to outrun your aggressor without a slip/stun/stim.

This aint HRP, if you eat enough raisans your radiation burns dissapear.
On bay, if you get cuffed to a pole in maint and punched a few times, your stuck as the pain will prevent you from standing still long enough to resist out, and you cant use radio headsets without a free hand. While HRP is fun sometimes, bee is not HRP. We’re a /TG/ fork for LRP and MRP purposes with Ben Shapiro’s, space wizards and paraplegic clowns on both.

Side note: The last ~20 posts all need to be moved into the only Hall of Shame thread. Back on-topic:

Undercover Officer

Same as Assistant (grey jumpsuit, black shoes, radio headset). In backpack has: special gas mask, bowman’s headset, security HUD sunglasses, full security belt, disabler, two IDs, unassigned PDA. Mindshielded and has a Tracking Implant, which makes them obvious when using secHUD also.

Two IDs in backpack: one is that of a random name and it’s given the Assistant job, the other is their real name with the job Undercover Officer. Their special gas mask has a voice-changer but the mask can’t chameleon change. The idea is for them to find somewhere secluded to put on their fake ID and gas mask in order to go undercover. The mask having a voice changer means they can talk to others without outing themselves, such as getting the HOP to give them additional access or job changes.

Discovering and ambushing traitors, as well as assisting Security Officers capture lesser criminal offenders. Ideally they just report on Minor and Medium crimes and tail the suspects to ensure they don’t escape, because going after every lowtime offender is going to out their fake identity pretty quickly. For Major or Capital criminal offenders however it’s worth risking getting outed because they’ve already done significant harm and it’s necessary to prevent more.

Their full real name in the security records will have the affix “(Undercover Officer)” e.g. “John Doe (Undercover Officer)” in order to highlight them in the sec records and to prevent confusion if they’re cloned and have thus lost their implants. In the comments section for their record it will include their fake IDs name. Their fake identity will also have a separate record alongside a comment saying “see Undercover Officer record”.

Duplicates of the Undercover Officer’s two IDs should also spawn in lockbox in the Head of Security’s locker (similarly to their mindshields lockbox). This is so that a cloned UO can return to their previous identities without alerting a possible traitor HOP.



that’s literally just a seccie that’s not retarded and is playing 4D chess

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Which is why Officer is in the name, as they’re close cousins to it. Without the special gas mask though it’s difficult to do this role convincingly, all you can do is regular patrols rather than become a member of a department. And trying to get extra access means you have to out yourself to the HOP.

Job name: roundstart morgue corpse
Description: you start as a dead person in morgue. Have a random job assigned, and have randomised inventory. MDs have to clone you. Despite having chace to be assigned to a random department, that job would be listed under medical.


Aerospace Engineer

Either standard or Military RCD, a box of Compressed Matter Cartridges, Engineering Hardsuit, Magboots, Stack of 50 Iron and 25 Glass, GPS Tracker, Station Bounced Radio, and a Pickaxe. Otherwise, standard engineering gear.

Construct things outside of the station, and/or outside of it’s Z-Level. Such as expanding the station,

or constructing outposts or bases far off from it.

It should have basic Atmospherics and Engineering access, as well as Access to EVA and the Teleporter.

“Communications Kit”, or a box with a Keycard with Comms Console access as well as an Emagged Comms Console board.

There have been suggestions for an Explorer role, however, exploring is the only thing they do. An engineer/explorer combination would not only give people a good reason to explore space, but a goal to accomplish while doing it. It would also give a job that would encourage building on-site, which could be interesting to see what people would make. For the Comms Console board, it would allow the traitor to contact the syndicate from hopefully a safe outpost in space, which could be interesting for both the Admins and the Traitors. It might need to only be able to contact the Syndicate (because of shuttle ping-pong), though.