New AI Role

This role is called General AI or GAI if you will. GAI is an all purpose AI while normal AI is limited in functionality. The idea of this role is that some AI end up trying to manipulate the supermatter engine or other functions which lead to them messing things up, but also when someone ask to open a door, most new AI don’t generally follow the laws verbatim.

Here is how the role changes the power dynamics for AI.

Instead of AI following its laws verbatim, the GAI tells the AI player what to do. Players can’t directly tell the AI what to do. This gives the GAI room to delegate to the AI so that way orders players give the GAI. If a player tells the GAI something over coms, the GAI may click the message and it forwards it to the AI that doesn’t hear anything until the GAI sends it. The GAI is a delegator and acts as a role ABOVE the AI that actually has to follow the laws. Instead of just having rogue AI, it’s now rogue GAI. The GAI does have the same level of control as the AI, but the GAI is able to delegate to the AI.

Makes ai even more of a slave job tbh, dont think this idea is worth discussing further.
Y is bad: ai is now less fun.
Y is good: dunno

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The idea of “separation of duty” is based off a real world idea that gets used in the professional world which one day sadly you’ll end up being a part of. AI has multiple times, sabotaged the engine for engineers or electrified doors. The AI and GAI both have the ability to take action, but the GAI is the actual AI now and the old AI role can only take orders from the GAI, making it easier for them to train to play the role of GAI without making mistakes that can get them banned permanently from the game when they just started playing.

You know that Robotics can create new AI’s for this purpose, right?

Cringe and unbased.

Assistant McAssface: AI can u open this door

AI: hang on gotta ask my boss.


I play ai a lot, and this really doesn’t sound like it’d be fun for anyone. The ai is supposed to be this powerful overseer, not have something directly above it doing the same.

I don’t want to have to go to silicon HR to follow my laws.

I was about to make that joke >:(


Can they do that at round start where I’ve witnessed the SM get immediately blown up by the AI?

If the SM gets blown up by the AI, they’ll get bwoinked and/or lynched. Your suggestions make no sense. Please stop making suggestions until you get it in your head that you are not superior to anybody. The crew will always be able to defend themselves. Stop acting like we’re all no-braincell idiots.

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What was your goal again in posting this message? It couldn’t be to convince me I was wrong in making a suggestion as I have yet to hear a strong reason from you as to why this was a bad idea other than you holding me in contempt while trying to stir up greytide peer pressure.

okay but this is a game people play in their freetime to get away from this type of stuff.

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Real world ideas created this game. Real world problems are in this game even if the game itself is digital, and it requires real world solutions on the coder and administration end.

The idea is a very simple idea which merely breaks a job into two parts when the two parts being one can make it easy for someone to mess up badly, as the AI currently can do. There’s already been one AI that messed up badly, which I didn’t report because they where clearly a new player, but later on the doors where getting shocked and the AI was trying to get people killed. Had the AI been broken into an AI that gives the AI permission to do their job and an AI that takes orders from another, it would have been a two step process before making a mistake, giving newer players time for feed back.

Eh, got almost 300 hours logged playing as an AI so i guess i’m somewhat qualified to give my honest opinions here.

…some AI end up trying to manipulate the supermatter engine or other functions which lead to them messing things up…

Mistakes will happen all the time, from both newer players & veterans allike. Whether it be due to personal arrogance or ineptude, this will never go away. AI’s who you witness intentionally blowing the SM or purposely sabotaging the station should naturally be A-Helped.

…but also when someone ask to open a door, most new AI don’t generally follow the laws verbatim

Infuriating whenever this occurs, but what can you really do about this?

Instead of AI following its laws verbatim, the GAI tells the AI player what to do. Players can’t directly tell the AI what to do

A lil confused by this, so instead of the players telling the AI what to do. They instead tell the GAI what to do?

This gives the GAI room to delegate to the AI so that way orders players give the GAI. If a player tells the GAI something over coms, the GAI may click the message and it forwards it to the AI that…

I’m assuming that GAI basically takes the role of the original AI here, & that the new AI instead, is slaved to it similar to a cyborg? from my own experience, having borgs who’ll actually communicate & obey your orders can be annoying uncommmon at times.

What’s also stopping the other AI from also straight up ignoring you & what’s the incentive of delagating tasks, when you can easily do it yourself?

Got a gut feeling that scenarios like this’ll end up being common.

“GAI: Yo AI you still here? Busy stopping the captain from killing himself, can go open up Medbay for the clown please?”

“GAI: Hello?.. Fiiiine i’ll do it myself then”

the GAI may click the message and it forwards it to the AI that doesn’t hear anything until the GAI sends it.

Forwarding messages & ordering the AI around sounds incredibly tedious & time consuming, when the GAI can once again, ignore the AI & accomplish the task themself.

Not a fan of the AI being unable to listen in on the general radio without the GAI being present. If you’ve ever played AI & had T-Comms irrepairably destroyed early on the round, you’ll suddenly realise how vital communications with the crew is & how boring your existance is, when no one can call for your aid & how you can no longer eavesdrop on the crew.

Had the AI been broken into an AI that gives the AI permission to do their job and an AI that takes orders from another, it would have been a two step process before making a mistake, giving newer players time for feed back.

What’s stopping these incompetent AI’s from playing as a GAI? Locked by hours similar to how you need to play some hours as a cyborg before being able to play as an AI?

In this scenario where there’s no GAI, the AI would be useless & letting the AI take on the role as a GAI if there’s no roundstart GAI present, leads to the aforementioned problem above.

I’ve always been an advocate for having a ‘Ai-in-Training’ sort of role, but imo in this suggestion, the GAI has no reason to actively & consistently delagate tasks to the AI.

Here’s a lil old mini-suggestion i’d made in regards to dealing with the construction of multiple AI’s. I believe that it’s kinda applicable to the aim here, which ideally, is to basically let newer AI’s get to grips with being an AI, whilst letting the Main AI deal with most of the heavy lifting.

… Perhaps we could make it so that during the construction of an AI, we could add in a ‘Subordination’ chip which upon activated, will letcha pick an existing AI to enslave it too. Just like a cyborg, the Subordinate AI’s Lawset will automatically update to whatever law’s been given to the ‘Master AI’ & must follow the interpretation of the laws their master has given. They should have all the abilities of a normal AI, barring the ability to De-power their Master AI’s APC & perhaps give the Main AI the option to automatically disable the Sub AI’s APC at will even if it’s not visible

Playing as an AI for the first time can be stupidly stressful, mistakes will inevitably happen & that’s fine . You’ll learn from these mistakes and become a better player as a result of these mishaps.


That would make them some higher authority like an Executive or something.
Sounds pretty GAE to me.