Nerf Xeno Blobbers

They are literally unkillable against spiders or a blob. The blob tiles will heal it while it still can attack the core and kill the blob by themselves. Spiders dont even damage them and some days ago a whole hive was exterminated by a single blobber alone.

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I havent seen a blobnaut kill a blob core, though. is it really possible for a golden slime blobbernaut to harm a blob?

I saw it being done before. Legit they just got up to the core and started beating it until it died, all the while the blob tried to kill it, but it healed faster than it could be damaged (if it was damaged at all)

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Well you just exposed the xenobiology blob meta. Either way sentience potion AND white blobbers are pretty outlandish to find. Since these blobbers are basically the regular blobber, nerfing them would be nerfing the actual blobber in turn. And I doubt the coderbros want to make an entirely new category just for xeno blobbers to avoid blob meta strats.
Edit: Yeah I know this reply is kinda all over the place.

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Xenobio blobbernauts CAN’T attack the blob at all, unless the latest blob fix fucked that, make a github issue, but as far as 1 week ago blobbernauts made by xenobio can’t interact with the blob at best they only hear their ‘‘coms’’

They can attack the blob if you give them a fugu gland, and they do ridiculous damage with a fugu gland buffing the already strong damage that blobbernauts get.

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