Neon LXIX Player report

i hadn’t healed myself

Okay. So TL:DR, You werent hurt AT ALL on my Sensors. Not a Disease, not a pixel of your health bar lost, Liar. Luckily the logs are lost apparently but worry not Mr. Admin

Tada. Screenshot of the chat where he throw a Bola at me and hit me with a toolbox until i almost died. I luckily remember that i still have the flash. Well I sadly dont have screenshot from the second time because i was just like ALT F4, no Admins online anyway
And i stood around the storage room thing clear for everyone to see, at every moment of your existence you had enough chance to ask for help IF you would have been hurt.

Shit bro youre right i mustve forgotten if the tiny person that indicates my health was blue or green,

Even if i wasnt hurt i was attempting to pick up some meds because i had just spent 5 minutes fighting a griefing monkey in the kitchen and wanted to deal with him witnout dying.

Hell you didnt even ask me what i was doing, from my perspective you just used your position as cmo to throw a cargo tech in the disposals because you were bored.

Actually that makes a lot more sense, i was in the storage rather than the paitent recovery rooms because i needed to get ahold of an actual med-kit rather than individual patches.

Once again if somebodys going into mebays storage and apologizes when seen, im SURE they have a good reason, i wouldve loved to explain my situation to you if you hadn’t gone “oh boy i get an excuse to be a shitter and toss somebody in a trashcan”

Why? What makes it so you really need a kit that does basically the same thing as a patch?

And if you hadn’t ragequit the 3 medibots that you had around you when you went into softcrit would’ve brought you back into the round in less then 30 seconds i guarantee you. What you did didnt warrent being killed so i didnt do it. Next time wait a moment instead of alt-f4ing then making a player report

??? Mulitple heals that can be used over a period of time rather than patches that could od you if you try to heal quicker.

The logs are actually irrelevant since the player has admitted their part in the story.

Mulled this over with some other admins - at the end of the day this is a case of pretty severe over-escalation, but more importantly the logs that DID load as well as your points and arguments show you really aren’t on Sage to RP in the first place, so this is going to be a short global ban for self-antag and a long Sage ban for general failure to RP at all

You are not so entitled to taking what you want that you get to toolbox the CMO for throwing you out of medbay.

Report Processed